Číslo 3 (2009)

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    Rozhovor s doc. PhDr. Ladislavem Cabadou, Ph.D.
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Hricová, Helena
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    Politika regionálního rozvoje ve Slovinsku
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Lajh, Damjan
    The article deals with selected aspects of regional policy and regional development in Slovenia. Notwithstanding its territorial smallness and low number of inhabitants, Slovenia’s special features include its extreme natural, cultural and socio-economic diversity. The result of all these factors is the limited access to some areas, challenging settlement conditions and the diffi cult organisation of regional economic activities. Socio-economic diversities between regions are thus fairly signifi cant. Conducted analysis shows that over the last decade inter-municipal cooperation in Slovenia has been very poor, irrespective of the (bottom- up) constitutional possibility of forming regions. The fragmentation of municipalities during the last decade has also led to the weak fi nancial situation of municipalities, resulting in limited local budgets for public co-fi nancing that are available. As well, the ‘risk capital’ from local private co-fi nancing possibilities is rather deprived. From a subnational perspective, local actors are thus most important as mediators of knowledge about local and regional development problems. The article thus argues that provinces in Slovenia as administrative-political entities need to be established. The introduction of political-administrative provinces should close the gap between small municipalities and the state, which is excessively centralised and has too much power compared with the municipalities.
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    Německo na cestě k integrační společnosti: Poznámky k obtížnému procesu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Kipke, Rüdiger
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    Sasko-česká vysokoškolská iniciativa (STHI) – přeshraniční spolupráce Technické univerzity Chemnitz a Západočeské univerzity v Plzni
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Jurczek, Peter
    The aim of the article is to present development and content of specific Czech-Saxonian cooperation at the university level. The Technical University in Chemnitz/Germany has been developed since the beginning of 1990s broad cooperation network with selected Czech universities with the University of West Bohemia in Pilsen at the fi rst place. The cooperation in regional geography, social sciences, philology and other fi elds was institutionalised with the support of the European Union in Saxony-Czech University Center, later Saxony-Czech University Collegium and nitiative, respectively.
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    Komunální uspořádání v SRN - případová studie Svobodného státu Bavorsko
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Pitrová, Miroslava
    The article explains the organization and the structure of authorities on the local and communal level in the Federal Republic of Germany and that in Free State of Bavaria. The case study should outline a uniqueness of the communal organization in Germany and it should be used as an example of identical or similar indices. However, at the same time, Bavaria has a specifi c status in Germany shown in the structure of the communal and local authorities. In Bavaria, in contrary to other federal states, there exist the specifi c territorial-administrative units.
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    Deviantní podoby státnosti – příklad kvazi států
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Piknerová, Linda
    The article deals with taxonomy of quasi states entities in two diff erent perspectives. The fi rst one is based on Robert Jackson´s theory and theory of empirical statehood, the second one examines concept of juridical statehood and limits of international recognition. The text tries to distinguish between many parallel terms which are related to the empirical and juridical statehood. Pål Kolstø´s approach is based on positive attributes of statehood which are entire part of his quasi state view. There are mentioned some examples of quasi states entities (current and ancient as well) and perspectives of future possible development. There are named some unique examples (Principality of Hutt River, homelands in South Africa, Boer republics in former Bechuanaland protectorate) which can be involved into neither of quasi states category.
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    Rozšiřování a prohlubování: Východiska z cílového konfliktu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Neuss, Beate
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    Právní úprava demokratizace veřejné správy České republiky po roce 1989
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Malast, Jan
    This paper deals with law regulation involved in re-installing of the democratic principles into the system of public administration of the Czech Republic after so called “Velvet revolution” in November 1989. The state administration during the previous communistic era was characterized by values of the ideology of authoritative socialism, such as centralism of the state power, weak legitimacy, legal and political irresponsibility of the public power or by the execution of state administration not controlled by any external institution(s). After the Velvet revolution, in the process of transition to the democratic political system, it was necessary to establish (or, in some cases, re-establish) most of the traditional and fundamental institutions of the modern, democratic and responsible public administration. Several fi elds of the mentioned changes in law regulations are described and evaluated in the text, including the right to vote in local and regional self-governmental municipalities, constitutional and administrative justice, as well as independent authorities controlling the public administration or for example the right to petition.
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    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Lupták, Ľubomír
    As ordinarily used in political science and international relations discourse, the term „state“ refers to a rather wide range of concepts. At the same time, the term „state“ can be considered one of the basic building blocs of these discourses, being a key (and undertheorized) foundation of several major theories. The (ab)use of the term together with a distinctive prominence of social realities attributed to „the state“ in our ordinary life leads to massive reification and reduction of an otherwise rich and diverse conceptual universe. With the aim of clarifying and tidying this universe, this essay examines the possibilities of understanding „the state“ as a conceptual category referring to unique cultural artefacts produced by the interaction wide range of incommensurable social processes and representations whose research is only possible through its division into fi eld-specifi c subcategories. Furthermore, the paper examines the possibility of fi eld research in fi elds determining some of these categories (especially bureaucratic institutions/organizations) and points to ways of overcoming these problems.
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    Vliv společensko-politických podmínek a role proporčního volebního systému v ne/úspěšném rozvinutí teoretického modelu konsociační demokracie
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Kveš, Robin
    The presented text offers a basic explanation of the consotional model and of its logic of mechanism in its theoretical level. This article attempts to point out that under different social and political conditions the application of all universally defined principles of the theoretical model does not necessarily need to lead to the successful model development in practice. It does not always show the anticipated effect (the political stability) but on the contrary it can cause the opposite. It can be seen on the basis of social and political conditions analysis under which the consotional model was successfully implemented and put into practice (for example the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria or Switzerland from whose experiences was the theoretical model actually deducted) and also on the basis of analysis of political and social conditions under which the successful application of consotional model was not achieved (Czechoslovakia after 1989). Because of the limited space, however, the text addresses only one of the principles of the theoretical model of consotional democracy i.e. the application of proportional electoral system. The text warns against over-generalization of this theoretical model and points out that when the model is applied it should be taken into account that each one of individual case study has a different social and political background.
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    Přihlížejí voliči i ve druhém kole senátních voleb k osobnostním charakteristikám kandidátů?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Kreidl, Martin
    Voting behavior in the first round of the elections to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic has been shown to be highly personalized. Individual characteristic of candidates (age, gender, education, place of residence) had a strong eff ect upon the choices of voters even when candidate’s electoral party was statistically controlled. This paper extends previous analysis by looking into voting behavior in the second round of elections. I utilize data from a panel survey of voters conducted in the fall of 1996, when the fi rst senate elections took place. Using a discrete choice model of voting, I show that party affi liation dominated the second round and personal characteristics of candidates were marginalized as choice criteria.
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    Vývoj a charakteristiky koaličních dohod ve Slovinsku
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Krašovec, Alenka
    Composition and duration of governmental coalitions are the most frequent research topics within the fi eld of coalitions, while more detailed researches of characteristics of coalition agreements as well as their signifi cance for coalition governance are usually overlooked. The article presents development and characteristics of coalition agreements in Slovenia. As comparative analysis have showed there are three main topics covered by coalition agreements, policies, portfolio allocation, and ways of prevention or resolution of potential confl icts. It last several decades there has been clear tendency toward greater emphasis on policies in coalition agreements. The case study of Slovenia fi rst presents characteristics of Slovenian governments. Further, it reveals that coalition agreements are actually a norm in Slovenian politics. Analysis of all post-electoral coalition agreements shows that all above-mentioned three main topics have been also included in Slovenian coalition agreements in the period 1993–2008 with the same tendency of greater importance of policies within time perspective.
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    Lokální volby v Bosně a Hercegovině v roce 2008
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Hricová, Helena
    The political system of BaH is a special case of political system where live together three nations (Muslims, Croats and Serbs). Composition of the political system was guarantied by theDayton agreement. The division to the two parts – the Federation of BaH and the Republic of Serbs – creates special conditions which are seen not only in the election. The local election is connected with the party system and the special local party system. At the same time the local election is interpreted in the context of a municipality, region and the whole political system. The theoretical base results from the second order election. The main research question is: Are the local election the second order election?
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    Policy analysis developments in Slovenia
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Fink-Hafner, Danica
    Among all post-socialist countries, the institutionalisation of political science (as well as policy analysis) in Slovenia probably has one of the longest traditions. Policy analysis developments in Slovenia can be explained by three main factors: a) internal political science developments; b) the transition to a democracy and its consolidation in a newly established state; and c) Slovenia joining European integration processes. This brief historical overview of policy analysis as developed in the framework of political science on Slovenian territory relies on some previously published reviews of political science developments in Slovenia and former Yugoslavia, data gathered from Slovenian research and teaching institutions, information drawn from the Internet (COBISS – researchers’ online bibliographies, Slovenian research and teaching institutions’ web pages), surveys conducted among undergraduate alumni and comments made by experts in the field.
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    O podstatě atlantismu a možnosti vzniku Organizace jihoatlantické smlouvy (SATO)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Hlaváček, Pavel
    The idea of foundation of the Organization of South Atlantic Treaty (SATO) was raised during the last Summit of the Heads of State and Governments of Africa and South America (ASA) (22.–27. 9. 09). Both, Colonels Kaddafí (Lybia) and Chávez (Venezuela) agreed on the need to protect the interests of the two continents from the hegemonic attempts of the (neo)colonial powers. This article deals with the question that SATO would eventually come into existence. From three perspectives of theories of international relations (realism, liberalism, constructivism), we fi nd unlikely that any security institution similar of NATO might develop in the southern Atlantic.
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    Sovětské dědictví v politických systémech střední Evropy: postkomunistické strany, krize liberalismu a nová ruská geopolitika
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Ehl, Martin
    There is hypothesis that in the political systems of countries of Central Europe are still, twenty years after regime change, present elements of Soviet political system as heritage of forty years of Soviet dominance in the region. These elements are infl uencing political parties, political culture and actual political development and political strategies of diff erent political parties. Even there are no comparable data from countries of the region on that topic, certain evidence leads us towards conclusion that Soviet heritage in political system is present indirectly in a form of postcommunist parties and their role in political system, in a form of certain unwillingnes of citizens actively participate in political life (this should be proven by empirical research), in a form of electoral system which was after regime change desing to block one-party government, but is now unable to produce working majority governments, and in a form of new Russian geopolitics which is generating response from diff erent political players and has strong infl uence on their policy planning and policy decision making.
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    Citizen Comprehension of the Left-Right Ideological Continuum in Central and Eastern European Post-Communist Countries
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Deželan, Tomaž; Sever, Maja
    The paper analyses the common one-dimensional simplifi cation of the complex socio-political reality conventionally recognised as the left-right continuum in Central and Eastern European post-communist countries. Due to the intense European integrating processes of this post-communist region the investigation of the potentially distinct general understanding of one of the most universally applied tools for distinguishing political actors holds even greater importance. According to Kitschelt’s fi ve-dimensional theoretical framework of the post-communist context and by employing data mining techniques, the paper examines core standpoints that defi ne one’s position on the left-right axis in the investigated region. The paper lends additional weight to the intuitive initial assumption of our research that has been frequently discussed in the relevant literature and somewhat confi rms a person’s attitude to the previous regime as the most important divide in the political space of Central and Eastern European post-communist countries.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Cabada, Ladislav
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