Deviantní podoby státnosti – příklad kvazi států
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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
The article deals with taxonomy of quasi states entities in two diff erent perspectives. The
fi rst one is based on Robert Jackson´s theory and theory of empirical statehood, the second
one examines concept of juridical statehood and limits of international recognition. The
text tries to distinguish between many parallel terms which are related to the empirical and
juridical statehood. Pål Kolstø´s approach is based on positive attributes of statehood which
are entire part of his quasi state view. There are mentioned some examples of quasi states
entities (current and ancient as well) and perspectives of future possible development. There
are named some unique examples (Principality of Hutt River, homelands in South Africa,
Boer republics in former Bechuanaland protectorate) which can be involved into neither of
quasi states category.
kvazistáty, státnost, Kosovo, Tajwan
Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 3, s. 258-274.