Právní úprava demokratizace veřejné správy České republiky po roce 1989

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


This paper deals with law regulation involved in re-installing of the democratic principles into the system of public administration of the Czech Republic after so called “Velvet revolution” in November 1989. The state administration during the previous communistic era was characterized by values of the ideology of authoritative socialism, such as centralism of the state power, weak legitimacy, legal and political irresponsibility of the public power or by the execution of state administration not controlled by any external institution(s). After the Velvet revolution, in the process of transition to the democratic political system, it was necessary to establish (or, in some cases, re-establish) most of the traditional and fundamental institutions of the modern, democratic and responsible public administration. Several fi elds of the mentioned changes in law regulations are described and evaluated in the text, including the right to vote in local and regional self-governmental municipalities, constitutional and administrative justice, as well as independent authorities controlling the public administration or for example the right to petition.



demokratizace, veřejná správa, Česko


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 3, s. 214-240.