Lokální volby v Bosně a Hercegovině v roce 2008
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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni
The political system of BaH is a special case of political system where live together three
nations (Muslims, Croats and Serbs). Composition of the political system was guarantied by
theDayton agreement. The division to the two parts – the Federation of BaH and the Republic
of Serbs – creates special conditions which are seen not only in the election. The local
election is connected with the party system and the special local party system. At the same
time the local election is interpreted in the context of a municipality, region and the whole
political system. The theoretical base results from the second order election. The main research
question is: Are the local election the second order election?
lokální politika, volby, Bosna a Hercegovina, 2008
Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 3, s. 97-116.