Přihlížejí voliči i ve druhém kole senátních voleb k osobnostním charakteristikám kandidátů?

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


Voting behavior in the first round of the elections to the Senate of the Parliament of the Czech Republic has been shown to be highly personalized. Individual characteristic of candidates (age, gender, education, place of residence) had a strong eff ect upon the choices of voters even when candidate’s electoral party was statistically controlled. This paper extends previous analysis by looking into voting behavior in the second round of elections. I utilize data from a panel survey of voters conducted in the fall of 1996, when the fi rst senate elections took place. Using a discrete choice model of voting, I show that party affi liation dominated the second round and personal characteristics of candidates were marginalized as choice criteria.



senátní volby, Česko, preferenční hlasování, hlasovací chování


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 3, s. 133-145.