Digital Library University of West Bohemia

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Recent Submissions

Introducing SMRs in the power production in Greece
(University of West Bohemia, 2024) Nikolaos, Nikolaidis
Nuclear power plants in district heat
(University of West Bohemia, 2024) Babický, Tomáš
To trust or not to trust ICT? Empirical model of relation between career readiness, trust, and distrust
(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2024) Kowalczyk, Elzbieta; Lewicka, Dagmara; Zajac
Regional COVID-19 cases and Bitcoin volatility: Assessment through the Markov switching prism
(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2024) Phan, Dat Minh; Hoang, Sinh Duc; Dao, Tung Duy; Pham, Tien Phat
Exploring travel agencies customers’ loyalty motives throught machine learning analysis
(Technická univerzita v Liberci, 2024) Dudek, Andrzej; Jaremen, Daria E.; Michalska-Dudek, Izabela; Pellesova, Pavlina