Číslo 1 (2009)

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    Trickster: Mýtus o Šibalovi. Indiánský mýtus v kontextu světových mytologií
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Morkusová, Andrea
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    Imagining Creation
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Sobotková, Veronika
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    Rusko a Střední Asie po rozpadu SSSR
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Krátký, Ondřej
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    Philosophy of Language. Contemporary Introduction
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Schuster, Radek
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    Rozhovor s PhDr. Miroslavem Šedivým Ph.D.
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Budil, Ivo
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    Simplikiův referát o Anaximandrovi (DK 12 A 9)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Kočandrle, Radim
    The aim of the study is to interpret the Theophrastus’ account of the Anaximander’s principle. The Theophrastus‘ exposition is preserved via Simplicius in his commentary on the Aristotle’s Physics including the verbatim quotation of Anaximander known as the fragment DK 12 B 1. The fragment itself describes in poetic manner, why none of the so-called elements can be the source, from which „all the heavens“ arose. Anaximander depicts the mutual change of the elements into each other as the paying penalty and retribution for injustice. That is the reason why he does not explain the coming-to-be as the alteration of the element, but as the separation off of the opposites. Hence, the fragment reflects the law, which governs the Universe involving all the cycles in the nature.
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    Parthie a Řím v době Augustově
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Marek, Václav
    Both Rome, expanding from the West, and the Parthian Kingdom, expanding in the East, put to end the existence of the Seleucid empire and in the 1st century BC became problematic neighbours and uneasy rivals in the Near East. From the first contact (c. 92 BC) the diplomatic iniciative seemed to be on the Parthian side and military activities with the ambitious Roman generals. From 53 BC onwards the Romans tended to settle the problems in the East by invasions and warfare, mostly with catastrophical endings, such as Crassus’ defeat and death at Carrhae and disastrous expedition of Marcus Antonius. The Parthians responded these acts of aggression by ruinous invading Roman provinces (exploating Roman disarray in the civil wars), but also with no lasting achievements. Augustus, by contrast, calculating unsafe hopes and great risks of a heavy conflict with Parthia decided to solve problems diplomatically. Having used an impressive threat of his legions, he reached a diplomatic accomodation with two Parthian kings, Phraates IV and Phraataces (Phraates V), in 20 BC and AD 2, which in formal treatises stated Euphrates as demarcation line between both empires and a nominal dominance of Rome over Armenia. Thanks to this aggreement, which was propagated as a military success in Rome. Augustus had free hands for another political and expansionistic aims in the West, in the Rhine and Danube regions, where the Princeps saw the priorities of his „global“ imperial governing and could aquire new lands for Rome.
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    Člověk v súfistické filozofii
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Mihriz, Abd al-Latíf; Ramadan, Issam
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    Jóšijášova reforma jako politický záměr Judského státu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Hanzová, Alena
    The study examines the textual, exegetical and historical questions concerning the religious reform of King Josiah. His reign is dated to 7th century BC, when the region of Israel and Judah was occupied by Assyrian Empire. Accepting the biblical text as it stands, the study argues that the Josiah´s reform was not only the religious reform, but there is prevailing political intention of the reform. In the field of literary and historical research of the topic of Josiah´s reform and Deuteronomistic History and the Chronicler there are many approaches which the study introduces and analyses. The study reviews the development of the research approaches from the 19th century to the end of 20th century, particularly the thesis of Kuenen, Wellhausen, De Wette, Jepsen, Noth and others. Finally it is focused upon the main Josiah´s reform and the intention of the Deuteronomy History, which attempt to remove foreign cults and Assyrian cults from Judah and Israel too and support the Jahve ´s cult in Jerusalem.
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    Aktivní podíl státu na náboženské obnově v poreformní Číně
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Šindelář, Pavel
    The Chinese religious revival initiated by the reforms of the post-Mao era is a phenomenon evident at each step in today’s China and an issue frequently reflected in academic sphere. The Chinese state plays a crucial role in this process. The tension between the state and religious subjects has been constant in Chinese history and it originates in the traditional concept of the government being the highest and all defining element in the society. It derives from the fight for the mandate over the society and results in many contradictions. The position of the current Chinese government to religions is recently motivated not only by control and dominance in the society. The government has started and is further developing efforts to achieve the so called „harmonious society“ and streams of the differentiated religious scene should actually participate on its functioning. The Chinese state, besides being regulating and repressing religious life in its country, also actively contributes as a guarantor or even an initiator of the religious revival. The government supports the growing popularity of the key figure in Chinese thinking – Confucius. Some state cults and rituals are being revived as well. Within the frame of a tourist and cultural boom, huge amounts of state money are being invested in (re)construction of new temples, pilgrimage sites and institutions. This paper attempts to analyze these active approaches of Chinese government to the religious life, to explain their motivations and to prove their historical parallels.
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    Vojvodovské dublety
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Penčev, Vladimir; Jakoubek, Marek
    „Vojvodovan doublets“ presents a quite specific and unusual textual formation. It consists of two parts: the Czech translation of the text written by the Bulgarian ethnologist Vladimir Penčev and the commentary written (four years later) by the Czech anthropologist (and the translator of Penčev’s article) Marek Jakoubek. Penčev’s part discusses the differences between two communities – that of the „Bulgarian“ Czechs (inhabitants of the village of Vojvodovo) and „Bulgarian“ Slovaks (inhabitants of the villages of Brašljanica, Podem / former Mrtvica/ and Gorna Mitropolja) and their descendants – in relation to the textual realization of its identities (or its absence). Penčev finds no proofs of the textual fixation of the specific identity of the „Bulgarian“ Czechs, except for the History of Vojvodovo – the village chronicle written by its former mayor Neco P. Necov who was, however, a Bulgarian. Quite differently, he describes on the side of the „Bulgarian“ Slovaks many textual activities including periodically published yearbook Ročenka Slovákov z Bulharska. Jakoubek’s commentary consists of proving that textual manifestations of the (ex)Vojvodovo villagers’ specific identity are not only plentiful, but also that their community continues to exist till present day in a very vital form.
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    Ḫarādum na Eufratu: příklad města na periferii starobabylónského státu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Pecha, Lukáš
    This contribution deals with the texts discovered in the Old Babylonian town Ḫarādum on the middle Euphrates. It describes the largest archives which contain mostly economic texts dealing with trade, transactions with real property, debts etc.
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    Reflexe Orientu v dílech britské středověké a renesanční literatury
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Mišterová, Ivona
    Cílem této studie je alespoň částečně vysledovat reflexi Orientu v dílech britské renesanční literatury a odhalit potenciální paradigmata zobrazení. V této souvislosti lze v renesančním a středověkém literárním diskurzu předpokládat simplifikované stereotypně-negativní znázornění příslušníků odlišného etnika, zejména Saracénů, Maurů a Osmanů. V kontextu literárně-dramatické reflexe a zároveň depikce orientálního vyvstává korelace vyvíjejícího se vztahu mezi východní a západní civilizací a formováním určitého, v podstatě anti-islámského diskurzu, sahajícího do 7. století k proroku Mohamedovi a utvářejícího se na pozadí křížových výprav, zániku Byzantské říše a křesťansko-muslimských konfliktů. Příklady uvedené ve studii dokazují určitý vztah mezi etnickou identitou a paradigmatem literárního zobrazení, nicméně nelze jednoznačně narýsovat paralelu mezi krutým a bojechtivým protagonistou a odlišným etnickým původem. Podobné srovnání by bylo značně zjednodušené a zavádějící, neboť obraz příslušníků odlišného etnika v anglické středověké a renesanční literatuře je přes určité shody a stereotypy zobrazení rozmanitý, nazíraný a formovaný západním úhlem pohledu na pozadí aktuálních politických a ekonomických událostí, které se pravděpodobně podílely na utváření diskurzivních strategií.
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    Turkménsky šperk a jeho príklady zo zbierok – Náprstkovo muzeum v Praze
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Belaňová, Petra
    The aim of this article is a brief description of a little lot of turkmen jewels which makes part of the Central Asian collection of the Náprstek Museum in Prague and contains two pectoral ornaments and two bracelets. It can be also considered to be a tentative basic introduction to the study of turkmen jewellery in the region of Central Asia. All pieces of jewellery from the Náprstek Museum can be dated approximately to late 19th – first half of the 20th century. With these four jewels we get a nice insight into the cultural heritage and the still living tradition of the central asiatic jewellery.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2009) Budil, Ivo
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