Jóšijášova reforma jako politický záměr Judského státu

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The study examines the textual, exegetical and historical questions concerning the religious reform of King Josiah. His reign is dated to 7th century BC, when the region of Israel and Judah was occupied by Assyrian Empire. Accepting the biblical text as it stands, the study argues that the Josiah´s reform was not only the religious reform, but there is prevailing political intention of the reform. In the field of literary and historical research of the topic of Josiah´s reform and Deuteronomistic History and the Chronicler there are many approaches which the study introduces and analyses. The study reviews the development of the research approaches from the 19th century to the end of 20th century, particularly the thesis of Kuenen, Wellhausen, De Wette, Jepsen, Noth and others. Finally it is focused upon the main Josiah´s reform and the intention of the Deuteronomy History, which attempt to remove foreign cults and Assyrian cults from Judah and Israel too and support the Jahve ´s cult in Jerusalem.



judaismus, Izrael, Judsko, 7. stol. př. n. l.


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2009, č. 1, s. 93-114.
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