Číslo 4 (2010)
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Item Libická sídelní aglomerace a její zázemí v raném středověku(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Čapek, LadislavItem Zaniklá středověká a raně novověká vesnice Vojkov na Černokostelecku: nedestruktivní výzkum(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Vařeka, PavelThis article presents results from the non-destructive archaeological research of the deserted Medieval and Postmedieval village Vojkov (ca. 15 km South-East from Prague). Despite of extensive damage due to the modern crossroad, the surface survey has brought information concerning the extent of the site and several relief features represent remains of buildings. Numerous finds produced by the surface artefacts collection made possible to identify the spatial transformations of the village throughout three chronological phases (the 13th century, 14th–15th century, 16th– early 17th century).Item Pohřbívání v raném středověku v Plzeňském kraji. Výsledky nového vyhodnocení pohřebních areálů(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Schejbalová, ZdeňkaThe aim of this study has been to broaden our knowledge of the early medieval settlement in the early Pilsen region on the basis of finds from early medieval burial sites and foremostly the revision of these finds. Seventy-two sites with evidence for burials were documented (50 cemeteries and 25 sites with finds of s-shaped earrings, beads and ceramic vessels). The sites can be divided according to their location in the landscape (A–C). The oldest evidence for burials in the region can be dated to the 8th–9th century, but the majority of burial sites falls into the 10th–11th century. The analysis of the burial offerings was focuses mainly on the most numerous group of artefacts represented by the s-shaped earrings (groups M1–VŠ; analysis RFA).Item Rozhovor s prof. PhDr. Tomášem Durdíkem, DrSc.(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Hložek, JosefItem Spitfire Hunters: The Inside Stories Behind The Best Aviation Archaeology TV Documentaries(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Rak, MichalItem Aeroarcheologie – výzkum havarovaných letounů(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Rak, MichalThe article focuses on aviation archaeology, i.e. the study of crashed plane sites. In the first part there is described the emergence of the discipline in the Great Britain, its development and the attitude of official institutions as well as the public towards the activities of the largely amateur researchers. This is followed by the description of the situation in the rest of the world and the emergence of the search for crashed planes in Czechoslovakia, which was largely determined by the political situation. This gave advantage to the planes from the former USSR, the research of the remains of planes from other countries being practically forbidden. A great change took place in 1989 with the fall of the communist regime. The second part of the article then deals with the definition of aviation archaeology and the aims of such research. These can be summed up in four main points – the search for missing pilots, the search for planes and events, the research on the construction of planes and their equipment and finally the search for planes about which there is no other record than the remains in the ground themselves. Whilst for the first two points archaeology is but a means for the recovery of new information or confirmation of the existing ones, the latter two points pose their own questions. In any case, there is always present the problem of relationships between the professional and amateur researchers.Item Studium sídelních struktur a dálkový průzkum Země: Události a trendy v našich zemích(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Platichová, JanaThe aim of this article is to outline the main events and processes which have formed the history of aerial reconnaissance in the Czech Republic. From the emerging and modest beginnings of the new method of archaeological prospection in the first half of the 20th century to the time of large landscape projects undertaken in the last two decades. This short but comprehensive contribution can be perceived as a handbook for students of the subject of aerial archeology in its introductory phase.Item Zhodnocení neolitického a eneolitického osídlení Českokrumlovska Stručná charakteristika vývoje v jižních Čechách(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Menšík, PetrThe article is divided into two parts, which partially supplement each other. The first part contains information on the Neolithic and Eneolithis finds in the region of Český Krumlov. The second part informs about the current state of research on the Neolithic and Eneolithic in Southern Bohemia. There is also a short overview of the history of research in the studied region and the questions around the existence and absence of the Neolithic and Eneolothic in Southern Bohemia.Item Kruhové objekty v Horním Metelsku(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Krištufová, Tereza; Šmejda, LadislavThis paper discusses the questions of age and function of the unusual circular features, recorded in the landscape near Horní Metelsko, district of Domažlice. A review of earlier research is presented here, followed by the description of the recent results obtained during the current project lead by the authors. So far we have carried out an aerial reconnaissance, topographical and geophysical survey, and a limited excavation in the area. New facts are evaluated in the light of previous interpretations as well as with consideration of the significance of the first radiocarbon date ever provided for this particular type of site.Item Geofyzikální průzkum mohylového pohřebiště Javor-Hádky (k. ú. Milínov, okr. Rokycany)(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Krištuf, Petr; Švejcar, Ondřej; Baierl, PetrThe article presents the results of a geohysical survey undetaken with the use of cesium magnetometer on the site with burial mounds Javor-Hádky (region of Rokycany). The survey focused on the western part of the burial ground, where there was identified an empty space among the mounds. The survey was supposed to resolve the issue of why this space is present. The survey revealed several magnetic anomalies, which can represent sunken features. They are mainly linear features, which were interpreted as the remains of roads or water channels. Other anomalies proved the existence of the now disappeared mound bank. The interpretation of other anomalies is uncertain. The results demonstrate the advantages of the use of a non-destructive archaeological survey using geophysical prospection for gaining further information about the spatial structure of burial mound cemeteries.Item Možnosti a limity počítačové rekonstrukce minulých cest na příkladu Čertovy louky v Krkonoších(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) John, JanThe article attempts to complement the partially known system between the deserted modern period mountain cottages in Čertova louka in Krkonoše. The reconstruction was undertaken with the use of frictional surfaces of raster- oriented GIS (Idrisi 32).Item Možnosti lokalizace zaniklých sídel na Rakovnicku(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Holata, LukášThe article summarises the development and preferential use of formal and informal methods for the study of specific archaeological contexts. It evaluates how these two approaches that have so often stood in opposition can be used on the archaeological sites of deserted medieval villages. The villages of Mstěnice and Pfaffenschlag are presented as case studies and on these it is demonstrated how e.g. visibility analysis can be used to reveal new facts and offer new perspectives on the interpretation of space and architecture routinely found on medieval village sites.Item Hrad Čejchanov okr. Benešov a jeho nové geodetické zaměření(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Hložek, JosefThe article summarizes all available data about the Čejchanov Castle situated by the Sázava river, and brings new information about the site which was provided via geodetic survey. This kind of survey enables us to visualize preserved features of the castle complex. The author also analyzes set of artifacts obtained during surface artifact collection.Item Archeologie v procesu univerzitního vzdělání(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Gojda, MartinItem Archeologický nedestruktivní výzkum vodních děl zaniklých po roce 1945(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Galusová, LucieThe article looks at the issue of research of deserted water-powered constructions of various chronology and technology, used until the mid 20th century in the border regions of Bohemia. The relief features and the remains of the above-ground walls together with information from sources such as archives and photography now allow for the study of the traditional village architecture of the 19th and 20th century, which is itself often linked with older archaeological contexts. Such non-standard sources require a non-standard methodological approach. The non-destructive survey in the vicinity of Kateřinský potok confirmed the continuity of Franc's mill to the 16th century. According to the research results we can assume only some less significant transformations of the mill have taken place.Item Návrh metodiky nedestruktivního výzkumu vesnic zaniklých po roce 1945(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Funk, LukášThe aim of this article has been to create and subsequently test an optimal methodology of a non–destructive survey of sites deserted after 1945, which consists of a formalized description of recovered relicts and their recording including the use of GPS. The use of this method on the deserted village of Bažantov there was revealed a number of previously unknown findings. They are for example the unified typology of deserted houses and outbuildings, the location of original roads and those created during the process of desertion and the differentiation that took place during the post–depositional transformations of the structures.Item Raně a vrcholně středověké osídlení Českobudějovické pánve (10.–13. století)(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Čapek, LadislavThis work is focused on Early Middle and High Middle Ages settlements dated to the 10th–13th century in the region of České Budějovice, geomorphologically in Českobudějovická basin. In particular it concentrates on the evidence available from archaeological, historical (written) and architectural records incorporated in the broader context of studying the history of medieval settlements and colonization. For the Later Hillfort Period there is increasing evidence of flatland settlements on the cadastres of contemporary living villages, illustrating the complex processes of spatial transformation of the dispersed early medieval settlements into stable villages. The funeral rite of burial mounds had been fully replaced by Christian rite on the prechurch or church funerary sites, where there are expected Romanesque foundations. In this period the Premyslid Fortress system of administrative centres Netolice and Doudleby was established and in their vicinity there were concentrated enclaves of medieval rural settlement. In the 13th century we get the first written records about the current villages, documenting their property holding and territorialisation of nobility, which reflects in the broad outlines the colonization process. In this period a long-term continuity of rural settlement is reflected in the stability of ground plan structures. The increased activity of colonization in the 13th century suggests the establishment of a monarchical and secular foundation centres – cistercian monasteries in Vyšší Brod and Zlatá Koruna and foundation or transformation of medieval towns České Budějovice, Netolice and Vodňany.Item Potenciál formálních a neformálních prostorových analýz pro sledování vývoje a uspořádání středověkých vesnic(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Baumanová, Monika