Pohřbívání v raném středověku v Plzeňském kraji. Výsledky nového vyhodnocení pohřebních areálů

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The aim of this study has been to broaden our knowledge of the early medieval settlement in the early Pilsen region on the basis of finds from early medieval burial sites and foremostly the revision of these finds. Seventy-two sites with evidence for burials were documented (50 cemeteries and 25 sites with finds of s-shaped earrings, beads and ceramic vessels). The sites can be divided according to their location in the landscape (A–C). The oldest evidence for burials in the region can be dated to the 8th–9th century, but the majority of burial sites falls into the 10th–11th century. The analysis of the burial offerings was focuses mainly on the most numerous group of artefacts represented by the s-shaped earrings (groups M1–VŠ; analysis RFA).



raný středověk, pohřbívání, pohřebiště, Plzeňský kraj, archeologický výzkum


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2010, č. 4, s. 134-146.
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