Kruhové objekty v Horním Metelsku

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


This paper discusses the questions of age and function of the unusual circular features, recorded in the landscape near Horní Metelsko, district of Domažlice. A review of earlier research is presented here, followed by the description of the recent results obtained during the current project lead by the authors. So far we have carried out an aerial reconnaissance, topographical and geophysical survey, and a limited excavation in the area. New facts are evaluated in the light of previous interpretations as well as with consideration of the significance of the first radiocarbon date ever provided for this particular type of site.



archeologie, kruhové objekty, letecký průzkum, geofyzikální průzkum, Horní Metelsko


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2010, č. 4, s. 65-82.
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