Návrh metodiky nedestruktivního výzkumu vesnic zaniklých po roce 1945

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The aim of this article has been to create and subsequently test an optimal methodology of a non–destructive survey of sites deserted after 1945, which consists of a formalized description of recovered relicts and their recording including the use of GPS. The use of this method on the deserted village of Bažantov there was revealed a number of previously unknown findings. They are for example the unified typology of deserted houses and outbuildings, the location of original roads and those created during the process of desertion and the differentiation that took place during the post–depositional transformations of the structures.



nedestruktivní výzkum, zaniklé vesnice, 20. století, osídlení


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2010, č. 4, s. 267-279.
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