Číslo 1 (2011)

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    Nově nalezené Poznámky o Egyptu z pera českého františkána P. Christiana Schneidera (1742–1824)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Dospěl, Marek
    The article presents a manuscript work on the eighteenth–century Egypt penned by the Franciscan missionary, Christianus Schneider, who spent nearly 27 years of his life in Egypt and adjoining regions and ranks among the illustrious friars of the Czech Franciscan province to have had been to the Middle East. Nonetheless, the autograph of his Latin Annotationes in Ægyptum has been rediscovered only recently. It comprises 276 large format pages and is divided into three parts. The fi rst part deals with geography and topography of Egypt, the second one comprises of many ethnographic, anthropological and sociological facts, while the last one contains the country’s history of the last one hundred and fifty years, including the Bonaparte’s expedition. This essay gives the fi rst glimpse of the manuscript of which the present writer is preparing a critical edition accompanied by a Czech translation.
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    Left to Right: the cultural shift from words to pictures
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Hanzelínová, Lada
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    Science and Islam: A History
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Ramadan, Ivan
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    An interview with Prof. Judith M. Okely I seem to provoke controversy…
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Jakoubek, Marek; Budilová, Lenka J.
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    Constructing Zoroastrian identity in Muslim Iran
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Niechciał, Paulina
    In the article I would like to pay attention to the internal diversity of so-called Muslim world. In my research I deal with the Zoroastrian religious minority in the Islamic Republic of Iran. Although contemporary Iran is a confessional state and its offi cial religion is Twelver Shi’ism, the religious pluralism is present in the country. I would like to comment on the process of constructing Zoroastrian collective identity in the context of Islamic state.
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    Súfismus na Západě: taríqa naqšbandíja haqqáníja
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Křížek, Daniel
    The article deals with the tariqa or mystical order Naqshbandiyya Haqqaniyya. The text consists of three main parts. The fi rst one deals with broader Naqshbandi tradition, sketches briefl y history of the order and signifi cance of important leaders or saints of the order and explains existence of diff erent branches of the order. The second part introduces briefl y into the phenomenon of Sufi sm in the West. The final part then analyzes presence of a relatively new branch of Naqshbandiyya, Haqqaniyya, in the West. It describes its structure, important features and activities. The attention is naturally paid to the leader of the order, shaykh Nazim Adil al-Haqqani.
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    Výuka odborného jazyka jako příprava k odbornému překladu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Koláříková, Dagmar
    The extension of the European Union has a signifi cant impact on its language policy. The aim of foreing language education at universities is both to prepare students for study purposes and for foreign language communication in their future professions. That is why at most universities the language for specifi c purposes is taught together with the general language. It is becoming more and more evident that technical language and the technical style, and thus also technical translation, represent in today’s world of science and technology a ‘supporting post’ without which scientifi c communication is hardly possible. Professional translators‘ competences to be met (translation competence, linguistic and textual competence in the source language and the target language, research competence, intercultural competence, and technical competence) are specifi ed in the European norm for translation services, EN 15038. The best preparation for specialized translation is systematic teaching of specialized language. This paper deals with systematic teaching of specialized language as the best preparation for specialized translation.
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    Nastolování politické agendy: Strategie Římskokatolické církve v ČR
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Kalvas, František; Váně, Jan
    In the following text, we describe an interaction between Catholic Church and catholic politicians in the policy agenda setting process in the Czech Republic. We introduce agendasetting theoretical concepts and terms that we intend to apply to the case of the Catholic Church in the Czech Republic. We use the method of semi-structured interviews for our empirical analysis. We collected eight semi-structured interviews with informants from diff erent strata of the Church structure, and catholic politicians. We describe the way the Church would like to co-operate with catholic politicians. The Czech Catholic Church intends to set policy agenda through inspiring laics active in the top of political hierarchy. We confront this strategy with catholic politicians. We conclude by rejection of strategy based on principle of inspiration. We also suggest revised strategy based on principle of personal effort.
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    Je teologie vědou?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Funda, Otakar A.
    Záměrem tohoto pojednání není předložit vyčerpávající studii, která by souhrnně rekapitulovala různá řešení otázky teologie jako vědy v dějinách sebepochopení teologie a sledovala též různé mody vztahu filosofie a teologie v dějinách filosofie i různé podoby sebevymezování vědy vůči teologii v dějinách přírodních věd. Zpracování takového tématu by vydalo na celou knihu. Omezím své pojednání na několik okrajových poznámek, nicméně zásadní povahy.
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    Náboženské pronásledování Židů Almohady a otázka Maimonidovy konverze k islámu
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Boušek, Daniel
    During the 12th century has been the majority of Jewish society in the North-West Africa and Andalusia forced by the Almohad religious movement to convert to Islam. Their suff ering and trial describe simultaneously Muslim and Jewish sources. Some Jews opted for martyrdom, but major part of them, when faced with option of conversion or death has chosen to embrace outwardly Islam. Maimonides whose family has shared the lot of its community has expressed the opinion that the Jew is allowed in time of such persecution as experienced under the Almohads to profess feignedly Islam in other to save ones life, but he must strive to leave the realm of direct pressure as quickly as possible. Maimonides’ view sheds light also on the story of his personal conversion to Islam which is included in two Muslim sources. Scholars who brush aside the possibility of his conversion base their persuasion not only on denying the credibility of Arab sources but especially on the assumption that 1) his later apostasy from Islam and return to Judaism would not be left unpunished by Muslim authorities; 2) and that the slightest hint on his supposed conversion is absent in the Jewish sources and particularly in writings of Maimonidean controversy. The present article tries to answer both objections.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Budil, Ivo
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    Job – Rothův Román prostého člověka: Příspěvek k interpretaci (s reflexí českého překladu studie Claudia Magrise: Daleko odkud. Joseph Roth a východožidovská tradice)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Blahutková, Daniela
    The article written on the 70th anniversary of the death of the Austrian Jewish writer Joseph Roth (1894 – 1939) deals with the contemporary reception of Roth internationally and in the Czech Republic and reminds of one of Roth’s most famous novels Job. The story of a Simple Man (1930). In a dialogue with the international literary science it refl ects on the specifi c form of East Jewish ethos and assimilation as well as other topics which “the story of a simple man” brings up for discussion.
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    Podněstří – kvazistátní struktura na politické mapě Evropy
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Behenský, David; Šanc, David
    The main issue of the paper is the security and the juridical statute of the separatist territory of the Republic of Moldova – Transnistria. Despite of the stance of the international community, Transnistria decided to defend its disputable independence with the support of the Russian Federation. Transnistria is presented as a specifi c unit which can be called quasi-state. The specifi cs of the statehood of this “state” is typical for other similar examples such as Kosovo or South Ossetia, which lack the international recognition of sovereignty. Authors of the article discuss the main problems of the security and international relationship between the Republic of Moldova, Transnistria, the Russian Federation, NATO and OSCE, and introduce the scenarios of the future evolution of confl ict in the region and the status of Transnistria.
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    Postavení Židů v islámských zemích a jeho proměny pod vlivem Evropy
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2011) Arava-Novotná, Lena
    Setkání mezi islámem a judaismem přineslo od samého počátku řadu frikcí a konfliktů, které zanechaly stopy především v rodícím se Koránu i v ústní islámské tradici. Po celá staletí se však islámské náboženství dokázalo vyhnout ideologiím, jež by věřící muslimy vedly k negaci židovského náboženství či k nenávisti vůči židovskému obyvatelstvu. Otevřelo-li se muslimské obyvatelstvo protižidovským a antisemitským proudům, bylo to až v průběhu 19. století a na základě přímého působení představitelů evropských mocností, které v Orientě zápasily o sféry vlivu a nadvládu. Cílem tohoto článku je proto nejen shrnout náboženské, právní i společenské základy, z nichž vyrůstalo tradiční postavení Židů v islámských zemích, ale i poukázat na hluboké otřesy, jimiž tyto principy prošly po setkání muslimské civilizace s Evropou, a které připravily cestu modernímu antisemitismu na Blízkém Východě.