Číslo 1 (2015)

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    The tragedy of prime minister Imre Nagy and the Radio Free Europe - 1956-1958
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Simándi, Irén; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The military intervention of the Soviet Troops which started on 4th November the so-called Imre Nagy group was given the possibility of asylum at the Yugoslavian Embassy. Janos Kádár annulled the agreement with the Yugoslavians, and demanded that Imre Nagy and his group to be turned over to the Hungarian Government by the Embassy. The Kádár government’s spokesman informed the public on November 23 that Imre Nagy and his colleagues had gone to Romania. The Imre Nagy government and Imre Nagy himself committed an unforgivable crime against the Hungarian people. The Radio Free Europe, Imre Mikes reported: at the end of the notice a comment by the Special Committee of the People’s Court of Supreme Court was quoted: “… the Committee found the accused guilty and sentenced Imre Nagy, Pál Maléter, dr József Szilágyi, and Miklós Gimes to death, Ferenc Donáth to 12 years, Zoltán Tildy to 6 years, Ferenc Jánosi to 3 years, Miklós Vásárhelyi to 5 years imprisonment, and Sándor Kopácsi to life imprisonment”. The judgement is definitive. The death sentences have been carried out.
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    Individual, community, identity
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Sarnyai Csaba, Máté; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Our presentation investigates how Voivodina organizes the institutional means for cultures to live together. Our subject matter is the innovative Serbian method of personal autonomy: the system of national minority councils, ensuring the self-organization of cultural communities. We discuss how are NMCs useful for community members to retain their identity and how are they able to present a given collective identity. NMCs are exemplary even for the entire EU, though they also generate new conflicts between (and within) neighbouring cultural groups. We emphasise this because the European civil initiative of minority protection by FUEN (Federative Union of European Nationalities) was rejected by the European Commission. Making use of this relatively recent EU-institution, the initiators wished to oblige the European Council to regulate the issue with the document Minority Safepack Initiative (MSI). The MSI has six areas to regulate: language, educational/cultural, regional politics, presence of minorities in the EP, anti-discrimination, media regulation/support politics. The EU does have its language policy and (a not too efficient) regional policy. But there is not explicit policy to address community or personal identities. Serbia, only an applicant yet, is attempting to form specific institution (based on its own cultural variety and past), and could also serve as an example for European member countries as well, including those who will judge Serbia’s democratic maturity by the so-called Copenhagen criteria.
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    Romania and the "western" world: a brief overview of romanian foreign policy, 1990-2012
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Lakatos, Artúr; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    This paper is dealing with the evolution of Romanian foreign policy following to the fall of the Ceausescu regime in 1989, until 2012. Our analysis is approaching the otherwise complex issue in the mirror of two different phenomenons: first, the quest of Romania for the so-called Euro-Atlantic integration, which equates with the join of the NATO and of the European Union, second, the Romanian approach to the debate between Atlantic and integrated European approaches. Based on a various bibliography, is explored the complexity of US-EU relations too, and their manifestation in the orientation of East- Central European former socialist countries. In the conclusions of the study, a predicted possible sketch of the Romanian orientation is also described.
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    Civic gentry in Sáros county in the 19th century: the history of Hazslinyszky family, part I
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Koudela, Pál; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The concept of gentry in Hungarian 19th century history usually backed by its literary counterpart, most famously by those characters in Mikszáth Kálmán’s novels and short stories. The proud but lazy and hedonistic lifestyle, in connection with its useless political and public role in Hungarian society, is so far widespread in public opinion that even in history writing doesn’t lack it. In this article I want to rebut this mostly stereotypic picture drawn about multiple social strata and a complex social phenomena. For my purpose I use a genealogical approach due to its relevance from a micro-historical viewpoint. A lifespan, especially an intergenerational mobility route, can represent the features of a social group and family time, described by stories of life courses, can help to make conclusions to mentality, thus through the story of Hazslinszky family, described in this study, we can get closer to those part of impoverished gentry, who became intellectuals and picked up civic values rather than being flighty and irresponsible snobs.
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    The mediating activity of János Esterházy between the governments of Slovakia and Hungary in 1939-1942 with specific regards to the jewish question
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Janek, István; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The purpose of this study is the introduction of the mediation of János Esterházy in the bilateral relations of Slovakia and Hungary mentioning only a few examples due to limitations in length. In the second part of the study, the activity of Esterházy in the Jewish question is discussed; the reasons behind his voting against the Jewish law. János Esterházy considered it his main goal to forge the Hungarian minority in Slovakia together, and he imagined the life of the community in the form of a great family. The person of Esterházy is interpreted in different ways in the Slovak and Hungarian history writing. This study wishes to present these interpretations based on facts and to get them closer to each other.
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    The hungarian-italian support of the croatian separatism between 1928 and 1934
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Hamerli, Petra; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    In my essay I present the Hungarian-Italian collaboration in the support of the Croatian Separatism between 1929 and 1934. The Croats – although there were ethnic contrasts between the Croatians and the Serbs just after the creation of the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes – began to organize their separatist movement after the assassination of the Croatian Peasant Party’s leader, Stjepan Radić in 1928. Both Hungary and Italy searched for the relations with the Croatian separatists because the causal dissolution of the Yugoslav State could help mainly Italy, but also Hungary, to reach their political ambitions. In 1929 the Ustasha movement was founded with the leadership of Ante Pavelić, and the separatism began to be radicalized. In 1932 Benito Mussolini and Gyula Gömbös agreed to give a greater support to the Ustasha, and camps were created for the Croatian refugees. The result of this support was that Hngary and Italy were blamed with the organization of the assassination of the Yugoslav King Alexander I in Marseille, on 9 October 1934.
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    The system of the nazi occupation policy in the soviet territory as the factor of economics gains?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Fabiánková, Klára; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The paper is dedicated to the analysis of Nazi economic policy on occupied Soviet territories of Ukraine and Belarus in the period from 1941 to 1943. The principles of applied economic policy and its possible influence on the achievement of designated targets are analyzed. The paper contains data about total volumes of extracted raw materials, expropriated food and working force by Nazis on this territories and their role in the supply system of German army and satisfaction of national economy’s needs. Benefits expected from economic occupation of the Soviet territory were not realized. Efficiency and goals achievement were complicated by evacuation, collaboration, guerrilla activities, and the concept of the occupation policy.
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    State influence on social policy, partnership and responsible business development in the EU countries
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Butyrska, Iryna; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The paper deals with the states’ influence on the development of social policy, social partnership and socially-responsible business in the EU activity. Business circles start realizing principles of social responsibility and partnership in their corporate relations, laid in the basis of the European social model, demonstrating their comprehension of the fact that modern economy more and more depends on the quality of human resources, intellectual capital, which is able to ensure development of modern societies. Civil society, and socially-responsible business, which is a part of it, plays an important role, displaying activity in the states’ development.
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    Clémence-Auguste Royer and the rise of aryan ideology
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2015) Budil, Ivo; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The contribution of Clémence-Auguste Royer, the first translator of the Origin of Species into French, to the emergence of social Darwinism is discussed and critically evaluated. Clémence-Auguste Royer used the theory of natural selection for challenging of modern liberal democracy and stressing the crucial role of “Aryan aristocracy” in the history of humankind. This aspect of her work has been largely neglected by historians of science.
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