State influence on social policy, partnership and responsible business development in the EU countries

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The paper deals with the states’ influence on the development of social policy, social partnership and socially-responsible business in the EU activity. Business circles start realizing principles of social responsibility and partnership in their corporate relations, laid in the basis of the European social model, demonstrating their comprehension of the fact that modern economy more and more depends on the quality of human resources, intellectual capital, which is able to ensure development of modern societies. Civil society, and socially-responsible business, which is a part of it, plays an important role, displaying activity in the states’ development.



sociální stát, sociální politika, společensky odpovědné podnikání, Evropská unie, Evropská komise, nadnárodní společnosti


West Bohemian Historical Review. 2015, no. 1, p. 153-165.
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