The tragedy of prime minister Imre Nagy and the Radio Free Europe - 1956-1958

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The military intervention of the Soviet Troops which started on 4th November the so-called Imre Nagy group was given the possibility of asylum at the Yugoslavian Embassy. Janos Kádár annulled the agreement with the Yugoslavians, and demanded that Imre Nagy and his group to be turned over to the Hungarian Government by the Embassy. The Kádár government’s spokesman informed the public on November 23 that Imre Nagy and his colleagues had gone to Romania. The Imre Nagy government and Imre Nagy himself committed an unforgivable crime against the Hungarian people. The Radio Free Europe, Imre Mikes reported: at the end of the notice a comment by the Special Committee of the People’s Court of Supreme Court was quoted: “… the Committee found the accused guilty and sentenced Imre Nagy, Pál Maléter, dr József Szilágyi, and Miklós Gimes to death, Ferenc Donáth to 12 years, Zoltán Tildy to 6 years, Ferenc Jánosi to 3 years, Miklós Vásárhelyi to 5 years imprisonment, and Sándor Kopácsi to life imprisonment”. The judgement is definitive. The death sentences have been carried out.



Imre Nagy, Rádio Svobodná Evropa, maďarská revoluce, 1956


West Bohemian Historical Review. 2015, no. 1, p. 115-126.
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