Číslo 1 (2016)

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    Analýza vývoje kvality a výkonnosti potravinářských podniků
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Richter, Jiří
    The subject of the article is an analysis of the performance and quality of the food business and it presents partial results of a complex longitudinal study of business quality and performance conducted on Masaryk University. The quality is measured by means of customer satisfaction and business performance by financial indicators. This article aims to explain the relationship betwee n quality and performance when evaluating annual changes. Article answers the following research questions: Is the annual change in the quality perceived by custome rs directly proportional to the financial performance of companies? How are the changes in c ustomer satisfaction reflected in performance of the producers? The primary data were collected by two questionnaire surveys conducted in years 2014 and 2015 on a group of Czech students. The secondary data are based on annual financial reports of twenty s ix compared businesses. The businesses were divided into two groups based on change in their perceived quality and then the financial and quality indicators of these groups were compared. The results show that there is a direct p roportion between the chang e of customer satisfaction and change of financial performance. The overall satisfaction seems to be more important than technical parameters of the product or other variables. In other words, the perceived quality may have greater influence on business pe rformance than techn ical quality parameters. The year - on - year changes of customer satisfaction seem to have sig nificant impact on variation of busi ness profitability. Although the sample of customers is repr esented mostly by students, the results indicate tendency to pay higher price for products with higher perceived quality
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    The sense and availability of industry standards of indebtedness for businesses in the Czech republic
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Strýčková, Lenka
    The aim of this article was to reveal attitude of businesses in the Czech Republic towards capital structure optimization and the use of industry standards a s benchmarks for their level of leverage. Despite several decades of capital structure theories deve lopment and refinement, none of the theories indicating how managers should act seem to be ready to determine the definite ratio of debt and equity used in corporate capital structure yet. The use of debt offers a company both pluses by creating more investment opportunities, and minuses associated with the higher risk for investors. Most capital structure models assume vigorous approach o f companies towards capital structure optimization. Companies may, however, exert rather a passive approach towards their capital structure. The questionnaire survey indicated that majority of respondents had no target value of the debt ratio. This contrib ution was focused on the sense and availability of sectoral recommendations concerning corporate indebtedness that might serve as a useful benchmark for companies. By comparing financial ratios to other businesses in the same industry, it is possible to ma ke judgements about a company’s basic financial health. The sense of the use of industry standards for the debt ratio is that the ratio appropriate for other firms in a similar branch should be appropriate for the company as well. Availability of industry standards in countries with highly developed capital markets is extensive. Availability and accessibility of industry standards for companies in the Czech Republic proofed to be requiring more effort and knowledge. The questionnaire survey indicated that m ost respondents don't use industry standards for the debt ratio as they have no interest in comparison with the indebtedness in the sector. However, there was a noticeable group of respondents which stated that they don’t use any industry standards for ind ebtedness at present, but they would appreciate if such standards were more accessible.
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    Entrepreneurial ecosystem insights: case study
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Taušl Procházková, Petra
    Entrepreneurial ecosystem is recently in increasing focus of scholars. There are several members of the entrepreneurial ecosystem shifting towards an entrepreneurial society. This paper explores how various regional members inside of the ecosystem are helping in spreading the entrepreneurial thoughts and shifting individuals and the general opinion from managed economy towards an entrepreneurial society. To unpack these activities inside of the entrepreneurial ecosystem, first the understanding of ecosystem and its dimensions is conceptualized. Then a case study is provided. The case study examines regional activities of several ecosystem players. The findings highlight several aspects reg arding the entrepreneurial ecosystem and activities fostering its flourishing. Rather than focus on a comprehensive study about effectiveness of public policy makers, the paper concentrate on examining and mainly understanding some representatives of the ecosystem. These individuals are understood as a means to promote and support entrepreneurial society, ecosystem.
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    Ženský leadership v rodinném podnikání: poznatky z kvalitativního výzkumu v České republice
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Kolouchová, Daniela; Machek, Ondřej
    Family business belongs to the emerging areas of researc h in the Czech Republic and the role of female managers in Czech family firms has never been investigated. At the same time, women and their role in family firms appears to be an underresearched area in most countries around the world. The goal of this article is to examine the main motivations of family entrepreneurship, to explore managerial competences of female manager s and differences between male and female leadership style, and to get to know how the work - family conflicts are solved. Using semi - structured in - depth interviews with ten female CEOs of Czech family firms, the authors found that the basic prerequisites of family firms’ success are a clear division of roles, a continuous preparation of children for future succession, and spousal support. The integrative role of female CEOs can mitigate conflicts and improve family firms’ productivity. Female managers also seem to be more risk - averse and long - term oriented. Women in managerial position are very realistic in financial decisions. They are clearly more prudent, carefully evaluating all possible alternatives and risks. The important managerial ability of female family firm owners and directors is an effort to carry out an honest business with no unfair motives, despite the fact the respondents noticed such behavior in the case of men. If women really contribute to the productivity and continuity of Czech family f irms, the results provide some justification for supporting career promotion of women and supporting family entrepreurship in general.
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    Zvýšení účinnosti hotelového managementu pomocí dynamických simulací
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Scholz, Petr; Voráček, Jan
    Knowledge based economy forces companies to reconsider strategic impact of different components of internal capital on their performance. Traditional extensive value drivers, based mainly on structural capital, are gradually extended with more intensive utilization of relational and human - resources oriented alternatives also in hospitality industry. Applying the elements of environmental management is one of the characteristic trends in accommodation services . Hotels realize t hat the importance of environmental protection is necessary and in addition use this concept as a useful marketing tool to differentiate from the competition. The current approach of hotel managers are mostly oriented on revenue , i.e . trying to make a prof it from the temporal and positional specific combination of internal , technical and social opportunities . But experience shows that in the long run context may be these mechanisms ineffective because they prefer short - term benefits before strategic development . The aim of this paper is to show that advanced knowledge - based management approaches can be an interesting alternative to traditional , quantitatively oriented tools . The usefulness of approach is demonstrated on several dynamic scenarios, form ing viable strategies from combinations of price and personal policies aspects, enhanced with organizational learning and green management.
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    The influence of customer based brand equity on consumer responses: the newly opened West Hills Mall in Ghana
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Amegbe, Hayford
    The interest of this study is to understand customer based brand equity and its effect on consumers’ willingness to pay price premiums, consumers’ attitude towards brand preference and purchase intention at the newly open West Hills Mall in Ghana. The data for the study was collected from 400 customers who went t o shop at the West Hills Mall. Using a confirmatory factor analysis and path analyses it was found out that brand preference and purchase intension is significant ly related to band equity. However, consumers’ willingness to pay price premiums is not significantly related to brand equity. Possible future research could look at involving customers from more than one shopping Mall in the country because of the cultural diffe rences in customer preference. Also, performance measurement and financial performance could by studied to help marketing managers and marketing planners to know the importance of brand equity in running shopping Malls.
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    Výzkum pozice vybraných konkurenčních značek
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Jandová, Lucie; Eger, Ludvík
    This paper focuses on the analysis of competit ive brands in the market and the aim of this study is to specify the position of the brands Coca - Cola, Pepsi and Kofola in the Czech Republic. Firstly, there is a theoretical part aimed at general issues of brands. In the next, empirical part, particular e lements of the selected brands, their product portfolio and mainly marketing communication are briefly characterized. The research study use an experiment (in - hall test) and questioning. The blind in - hall test has been supposed to reveal which coke drink r espondents - students like most and whether they can actually identify it according to taste. The questionnaire consequently investigates the consumption of coke drinks and primarily the knowledge of and the attractiveness of advertising campaigns of the s elected brands. The results clarify the position of the particular brands in the local market. The study contributes to research stream by examining the nature of competitive interaction between Coke and Pepsi and special local brand Kofola in local market in the C zech Republic. Implications for research, practice, and limitations are discussed.
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    Měření preferencí zákazníků jako podklad pro koncipované nabídky
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Tišlerová, Kamila; Ližbetinová, Lenka
    In terms of sharp competition and market saturation the necessity of optimizing sales proposals is very actual topic. Also there is a requirement for more precious and det ailed methods for customers’ preferences quantification and evaluation. This paper deals with determination of customer perceived value and thus their preferences in terms of internet business. A large research was conducted (607 respondents) of customers purchasing presents and ordinary goods in order to identify and exam their preferences. The preferences were firstly determined with the usage of focus group and just the most important ones have become the object of the questionnaire. The issue of specifi c segmentation is outlined because many researches deal with traditional segments (according to age, gender, income, etc). This research is based on differences between customers - users and customers - nonusers. A model of efficient decision - making was applie d to evaluate customers ́ preferences and thus, to obtain more precious results in comparison to traditional methods. Sales proposal created by internet enterprises might be reconsidered and designed in more efficient way – according to the highest value pe rceived by customers. These results are applicable for enterprises evolved in selling presents and selling ordinary goods in terms of internet shopping. The used method (pair comparison) enables businesses to understand deeper the strength and importance o f the perceived value of customers ́ preferences and thus to design and balance their business proposal. A competitive advantage can be found in better allocation of enterprises ́ sources in order to meet customers ́ expectations better than other competitors in the market.
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    Analýza využití QR kódů v maloobchodě v České republice
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Čechurová, Lenka
    QR codes are frequently used technology in various industries worldwide including retailing. Lately QR codes have become one of the key innovations in various tools of marketing communication of large amount of companies. For the purpose of this paper QR codes are viewed through the scope of retail companies’ marketing communication tools especially sales promotion. The aim of the paper gi ven is to analyse QR codes usage in retail industry in the Czech Republic as well as to find out what attitude Czech consumers have towards active use of QR codes. Paper presents results of three researches out of which two are focused on supply side of a market and one on demand side of the market. Mystery shopping was used in order to obtain data from supply side of the market meanwhile the questionnaire survey was held to get data from demand side. During the research held in 2013, 1010 store units were visited to collect data and in continuous research in 2015 527 store units were included in the research focused on supply side of the market. In total 612 Czech customers participated in the research focused on demand side of the market. Results of resear ches focused on supply side of the market suggest that the usage of QR codes in marketing communication of retailers as well as producers of goods is increasing. The usage is becoming more effective and informative for customers and more often QR codes con tain a value added for customer. On the other hand, Czech customers do not pay much attention to the QR code scanning. There are also suggestions for sales promotion of retailers included at the end of the paper.