Computer science teacher preparation in an international context : a comparative study

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Association for Computing Machinery


Since computer science is implemented at all levels of curriculum from kindergarten to high school there is a growing interest in increasing the quality and number of computer science teachers in countries around the world. Innovation in university study programmes and different approaches in computer science teacher preparation can be one of the key elements for success with these problems. In the Czech Republic, as well as in other countries, there is also a problem with the number of qualified computer science teachers, and with how to recruit new teachers. Comparative education as a general cognitive tool can bring important knowledge of foreign development. The main aim of my dissertation thesis is to empirically describe the key elements in computer science teacher preparation in selected contexts. The results can serve as a valuable source of information and inspiration for universities preparing computer science teachers, but also for political representatives of the countries in the field of education who deal with the given issues.




PRŮCHA, T. Computer science teacher preparation in an international context : a comparative study. In: ICER' 2019 : proceedings of the 2019 ACM Conference on International Computing Education Research. New York: Association for Computing Machinery, 2019. s. 349-350. ISBN 978-1-4503-6185-9.
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