Neuvěřitelné – vozíčkáři jezdí na kole, tančí nebo skáčou s padákem! Kolektivní sportovní aktivity vozíčkářů v létě 2015 a resocializace hendikepovaných prostřednictvím sportu
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My study concerns issues dealing with the
social rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries.
I want to show that disability still remains a taboo
for many people. The greatest barriers facing disabled
people are prejudice, discrimination and social isola-
tion. This is largely caused by the media represen-
tation of disability, which is often stereotypical and
one-dimensional. I presume that sport is a very good
means of returning to active life. It also has a great
influence on physical, psychological and social health.
The positive images of athletes with disabilities can
change the stereotypes of disability in the media and
in film, as well as the perception of disability by the
public. I work with my own experience – since 2013
I have been a quadriplegic, and sport (especially danc-
ing) helps me with physical and social rehabilitation.
My research has a quantitative and qualitative part.
Materials were collected on my own, with the help of
informants at the sports courses of Centrum Paraple
and Sportovní klub vozíčkářů Praha. In the quanti-
tative part, I am interested in statistical information
regarding gender, age, diagnosis, etc. The qualitative
part deals with personal assistance during the courses
and the relationship between assistant and wheelchair
poranění míchy, vozíčkář, resocializace, sport, osobní asistence, spinal cord injury, wheelchair user, resocialization, sport, personal assistance
Antropowebzin. 2016, č. 3-4, s. 67-82,