Číslo 3-4 (2016)

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    Obraz mateřství v 19. století
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Pátková, Simona
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    Problematika výzkumu ukrajinské minority v Čechách a na Slovensku
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Součková, Taťána
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    Zúčastněné pozorování a rozhovor v terénní praxi
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Fritzová, Marie
    This article is primarily based on field re- search and interview, which are the main sources of data. I carried out this field research between 2009 and 2012 in the West Bank. This fieldwork was split into three stages (in 2009, 2010 and 2012). The method of participant observation and interviewing has a wide range of supporters as well as opponents among mem- bers of the scientific community. Participant observa- tion and interviewing as basic anthropological research methods are often criticized for the subjective and am- biguous “microcosmic” perspective from which the sur- veyed problems are approached. Nevertheless, these are still important methods of data collection used in an- thropology, and so the controversy about their use in practice is very important. Participant observation was the basic method that I applied in my field research. Since I spent a lot of time with my informants, I won their trust, which is necessary for the successful use of this method. I participated in routine communication between members of a household, but I could watch the little quarrels, debates, disputes, etc. Thanks to the method of participant observation, I was able to discover the inner world of the surveyed communities. Which obstacles are encountered in practice in my field research, and how can participant observation and in- terviewing be of use in practice? This is the fundamen- tal question I try to answer in this article.
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    Temná strana krále kaktusů: co MAXQDA neumí a co s tím dělat
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Hejnal, Ondřej
    Without a doubt, MAXQDA, the leading CAQDAS (software), is one of the most useful and commonly used tools for qualitative data analysis. Despite this and, in a sense, outside the common praise “the King of the CAQDAS”, the aim of this methodological paper is to present a variety of troubles (and their solutions) associated with the processing of a dataset with more than 90,000 media messages in MAXDictio (MAXQDA addon). Going in steps, I will demonstrate the phases of data import, categorization of data, autocoding of sentences, word frequencies, se- lection of key words, dictionary-making and an analysis of co-occurrences. In addition to MAXQDA, the article will mention some minor applications/software, poten- tially very handy for the diverse forms of computer- assisted text analysis (CATA). Accordingly, what are the limits of MAXQDA? And if exceeded, what are the solutions? And what other software can be (or have to be) used with MAXQDA.
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    Neuvěřitelné – vozíčkáři jezdí na kole, tančí nebo skáčou s padákem! Kolektivní sportovní aktivity vozíčkářů v létě 2015 a resocializace hendikepovaných prostřednictvím sportu
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Henrichová, Martina
    My study concerns issues dealing with the social rehabilitation of people with spinal cord injuries. I want to show that disability still remains a taboo for many people. The greatest barriers facing disabled people are prejudice, discrimination and social isola- tion. This is largely caused by the media represen- tation of disability, which is often stereotypical and one-dimensional. I presume that sport is a very good means of returning to active life. It also has a great influence on physical, psychological and social health. The positive images of athletes with disabilities can change the stereotypes of disability in the media and in film, as well as the perception of disability by the public. I work with my own experience – since 2013 I have been a quadriplegic, and sport (especially danc- ing) helps me with physical and social rehabilitation. My research has a quantitative and qualitative part. Materials were collected on my own, with the help of informants at the sports courses of Centrum Paraple and Sportovní klub vozíčkářů Praha. In the quanti- tative part, I am interested in statistical information regarding gender, age, diagnosis, etc. The qualitative part deals with personal assistance during the courses and the relationship between assistant and wheelchair user.
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    Mocenské hry mezi výzkumníkem a informantem: Konceptualizace moci v analýze výzkumného rozhovoru
    (AntropoWeb, 2016) Beránková, Petra A.
    The article introduces a conceptualization of power relationship between interviewer and inter- viewee in a qualitative research interview. The pre- sented conceptualization is based on the semiotic triad (syntax, semantics, and pragmatics). For the purpose of analysing interviews, power is defined as an abil- ity to influence and control one of these three dimen- sions of an interview. However, power relationships are not static; rather, they are dynamically negoti- ated within an interaction. Within this context, dif- ferent types of power can be distinguished: (a) power over the rules of interaction (metapower); (b) agenda- setting power; and (c) positioning and othering of par- ticipants (i. e. dominance). The classification of differ- ent types of power can be used for further systematic investigation into possible power strategies. Showing samples of interviews with politicians, the authoress identifies several examples of power strategies (for in- stance, a change of rules, an opening of new top- ics, and “a wise advice”). She points out that these strategies themselves can produce meanings. The au- thoress also argues that reflecting power relationships within interviews can enhance the validity of research. It can also be helpful for better constituting a scenario and a framework of interviews, or for developing a re- searcher’s own performative strategy. This kind of re- flexivity is also beneficial for thinking through ethical questions coupled with qualitative research.
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