Imigrace Bulharů do Čech

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The question of immigration of foreigners to the Czech territory is repeatedly opened topic of all generations of the 20th and 21st century. No matter whether the immigration is caused by economical, political or any other situation, it always has significant impact not only on the life of the immigrant himself but also on the life of the society which accepts him. In the text I further discuss the immigration of the Bulgarians. All the findings interpreted in this text are based on my own bachelor thesis in which I focused mainly on motives leading to immigration, integration of Bulgarians into the Czech society and the impact the process of migration has on the family relationships of the migrating individuals.



imigrace, Bulhaři, Česko, sociální integrace


AntropoWebzin. 2009, č. 2-3, s. 3-12.
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