Číslo 2-3 (2009)

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    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Antropoweb
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    Transnacionálne sietě a diskurzy v participatívnej ochrane morských korytnačiek na Komorách
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Mikuš, Marek
    This work examines how participatory conservation projects of the NGO Community Centred Conservation (C–3) in the Comoros draw on global environmental ”narratives” and constitute transnational social fields and ”actor-networks”. In sustainable development and natural resource conservation, ”community-based” approaches, requiring participation of people living in and around protected areas and linking conservation objectives with local development needs, now take the centre stage. Policy shifts are critically conceptualised as a  procession of narratives – discursive formations which facilitate explaining environmental change, decision-making and the replication of adopted modes of action across space and time. Narratives can only be superseded by similarly parsimonious and convincing ”counter-narratives” of which participatory conservation is an example. Implementation of such globalised and globalising policies is showed by an actor-oriented anthropology of development to be a socially constructed and negotiated process rather than straightforward execution of a plan of action with expected outcomes. The paper looks at the interactions between official representations and everyday ”strategies” of various participants, including local and expatriate actors. It evades the assumption that mobile conservation and development practitioners and local people and ”development agents” inhabit clearly separated instituti-onal and knowledge worlds. Ethnographic interpretation of C–3’s activities in Mohe´li inspired by the Actor Network Theory has identified some strategies and ”translations” between actors involved in these actor-network constructions. While C–3 attempts to control these constructions varying from conflict to co-operation, power relationships in these transnational actor-networks remain fairly open-ended.
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    Příbuzenství tádžických Pamírců "včera a dnes"
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Konášová, Zuzana; Retka, Tomáš
    Kinship of Tajik Pamirs ”Yesterday and Today”Abstract—This article point out on a problematic of a kinship system of the members of Pamir ethnic groups living in Tajikistan. The authors acquired the data mentioned in the text during their fieldwork in this locality realized in the years 2006 and 2008. The article first defines elementary kinship rules. Then it points out on the traditional meaning of those rules in everyday life. Finally it analyses the importance of the kinship nowadays. The aim of this article is not just to describe the elementary kinship rules but also poses the question what meaning have those rules in the present.
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    Problematika vytváření relačních dat: příklad analýzy sociálních sítí bezdomovců
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Toušek, Laco
    The paper considers problems with data collection methods for social network analysis specifically so called name generators that are widely used in surveys and interviews. The issue is exampled by a research of homeless people in Pilsen, Czech Republic. Beginning with the general discussion of relational data and basic network terms, the article then covers methods of data collection with focus on name generators. A description of non-representative research design on social support networks of homeless people follows. The selected results show that personal networks are small, with high density and rather based on kin or friendship ties. Further, major parts of the ties are outside the homelessness. However, the ecological validity of the results is questioned. On the basis of the triangulation with a data from the qualitative interviews the paper concludes that the personal networks are rather “cognitive networks” than the actual social relations.
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    Nelegálně v USA
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Kábová, Adriana
    Illegal migration is a topic discussed in Czech environment mostly in connection with immigrants heading into the Czech Republic. The topic of this report will be to point out the phenomenon of irregular migration from the Czech Republic into the United States and the way the vague legal status of a migrant affects his everydayness. The article describes the client system as a specific type of social network.
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    "Nové diaspory" - diaspora jako transnacionální moment
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Hanus, Lukáš
    The present paper uses a transnational perspective of migration as an interpretation scheme for analysis of current migration flow of fellow countrymen from six Czech villages in Banat Mountain, Romania. This new reading of global people movement is an emancipated approach increasingly prominent in anthropology since the late 1980s. It is redefinition of perception of place, identities, belonging and space. I  try to argue, that it is not useful to speak about migration of fellow countrymen as a reemigration, or re-migration, because this reading of their return to homeland, does not show the cultural differences between the fellow countrymen and current Czech society. Is useless to refer them as a lost branch of Czech nation, because the living situation of fellow countrymen after return to homeland does not help comprehending of their ways how they dodge adaptation and integration in host society, mean Czech Republic. This essay is case study of the process entering of six Czech communities of small mountain villages in Romania to transnational space. The reason of transformation their identity from national belonging to deterritorialization form of belonging is because of trade interest in Etno-ruraltourism. The case of transnational tourism trade is an example, how they create hybrid, fluid identities, absorb cultural patterns from two or more location into transnational migration network, and how they use contemporary communication technologies as internet, mobile phones or accelerated transport among points of migration chain. This paper could be a  discursive reflection of contemporary perception of conceptualization of the term diaspora. I comprehend this term in this paper subsequently. The word diaspora has crept into social-scientific and historical vocabulary in the untheorized or, at least undertheorized, way. It seems loosely now to refer to any communities in the Word living far from their native homelands. To that extent the diaspora is simply the outcome of the continental and international migration.
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    Imigrace Bulharů do Čech
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Avramová, Lucie
    The question of immigration of foreigners to the Czech territory is repeatedly opened topic of all generations of the 20th and 21st century. No matter whether the immigration is caused by economical, political or any other situation, it always has significant impact not only on the life of the immigrant himself but also on the life of the society which accepts him. In the text I further discuss the immigration of the Bulgarians. All the findings interpreted in this text are based on my own bachelor thesis in which I focused mainly on motives leading to immigration, integration of Bulgarians into the Czech society and the impact the process of migration has on the family relationships of the migrating individuals.
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