Calculation of solid particle trajectory inside electrical separator based on measured values

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University of West Bohemia


This article discusses application of data acquisition device National Instruments NI PCI-6221 for electrical separator low cost monitoring. Results can be applicable for air protection and air pollution prevention. Measured basic electrical and environmental values are logged into a file. Further the data serve as input for calculation of solid particles trajectory inside the separator. Influence of particular quantities onto the separator operation and particle trajectory calculation is discussed. Theoretical and technical limits of used device for high voltage measurements are explained in the first part. Main part of the paper deals with calculation of the trajectory and implementation in LabVIEW environment. Influence of particular physical parameters is elaborated. Presented ideas are generalized for more complex system in last chapter.




BĚLÍK, M. Calculation of solid particle trajectory inside electrical separator based on measured values. In: International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE 2019) : /proceedings/. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2019. s. 9-13. ISBN 978-80-261-0813-9 , ISSN 1803-7232.