Generation Y and Generation Z employment expectations: a Generational cohort comparative study from two countries

dc.contributor.authorEgerová, Dana
dc.contributor.authorKomárková, Lenka
dc.contributor.authorKutlák, Jiří
dc.description.abstract-translatedGenerational differences in work values and workplace expectations have become a widely discussed research and intervention topic in recent years. However, little is known about Generation Z, who are now entering the labour market, and this presents challenges to both researchers and companies. Therefore, the primary purpose of the present study is to extend generation research by examining generational cohort differences in workplace expectations, specifically between Generation Z and the previous closest generation, Generation Y. The study is also intended to add to the limited empirical evidence of the workplace expectations of the most recent Generation Z. The theoretical framework guiding this study includes generational cohort theory and anticipatory psychological contract dimensions: job content, career development, social atmosphere, the fairness of organisational policies and rewards. The study was based on an online questionnaire survey. Data was collected from a sample of 1,000 respondents for the Czech Republic and 600 for the Slovak Republic including Generations Y and Z in the ratio 1:1. The generational differences in the workplace expectations, controlling the effects of gender and country, were investigated using multiple linear regression. The overall findings of the study indicate that both generations are more similar than different regarding their future employment expectations. We also find that those preferences may be more heterogeneous within a homogeneous group than across generational cohorts. The findings specifically indicate that some characteristics, such as geographical environment, professional experience and gender may shape employment expectations more than generational difference. The study suggests that companies also need to appreciate heterogeneity within a homogeneous generational group instead of treating current or prospective potential employees simply as members of one generation. The directions of future research, as well as the limitations of the study, are discussed.en
dc.format17 s.cs
dc.identifier.citationEGEROVÁ, D. KOMÁRKOVÁ, L. KUTLÁK, J. Generation Y and Generation Z employment expectations: a Generational cohort comparative study from two countries. E + M. Ekonomie a Management, 2021, roč. 24, č. 3, s. 93-109. ISSN: 1212-3609cs
dc.project.IDSGS-2020-015/Výzkum vybraných oblastí managementu a marketingu organizací v kontextu demografických a technologických změncs
dc.publisherTechnická univerzita v Libercics
dc.relation.ispartofseriesE + M. Ekonomie a Managementcs
dc.rights© Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International Licenseen
dc.subject.translatedemployment expectationsen
dc.subject.translatedanticipatory psychological contracten
dc.subject.translatedgenerational differencesen
dc.subject.translatedGeneration Yen
dc.subject.translatedGeneration Zen
dc.titleGeneration Y and Generation Z employment expectations: a Generational cohort comparative study from two countriesen


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