Číslo 1 (2013)

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    Americans in West Bohemia in 1945
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Fischer, Petr; Kodet, Roman; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The Article analyses some aspects of the presence of the American Army in Western Bohemia during the year 1945. Firstly it researches the question of the U.S. offensive to Western Bohemia, its causes and development and also describes the most important armed clashes with the Germans. In the second part the article concentrates on the presence of the Americans on the territory of Western Bohemia. It deals with the questions of the German prisoners, the stance of the civil population towards the Americans and their behaviour in Czechoslovakia and problems they had encountered (for example the question of their supply). In the conclusion the article describes the withdrawal of the U.S. forces during the autumn of 1945.
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    Development of Indian Trading Community in Astrakhan in Context of Russian-Indian Relationship (1725–1800)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Wanner, Michal; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The contribution is devoted to qualitative and quantitative changes brought about by the 18th century in ongoing efforts of the Russian government circles to establish a direct contact with India, develop the Russian-Indian trade, and the role Indian trading communities had in the goods exchange between India and Russia. The study sets the mutual dependence of both phenomena in a direct context, and tries to show a cause of failure of the Russian side’s effort, which had also partially affected prosperity and change of the Indian trading community in Astrakhan.
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    The Reception of the Presence of the U.S. Army in Pilsen in 1945 in Local Periodicals
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Mišterová, Ivona; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The article deals with the reception of the liberation of Pilsen in local periodical. The liberation of Pilsen and the end of the World War II was celebrated in the whole region. This event and the following stay of U.S. Army in Czechoslovakia was closely followed by Czechoslovakian press – especially local periodicals. The newspapers concentrated not only on the military and political consequences of this process but also on the relations between the soldiers and the common civilian population. They also reflected the celebrations of the liberation and the cultural events connected with the presence of the Americans in Pilsen.
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    Politische Partizipation von ethnischen Akteuren im Vielvölkerstaat: Erfahrungen von Galizien und der Bukowina in der Donaumonarchie
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Monotalij, Iwan; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The article examines the institutional processes in Austro-Hungary’s ethnopolitics on the rights and needs of ethnic actors, processes of internal and external institutionalization of Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, Romanian and German political actors in Galicia and Bukovina. There is characterized the legal basis for the formalization of political participation of citizens, policy priorities of the state in terms of ethnic awakening. There is traced the genesis of ethnic political mobilization of the catalyst, there is defined the ratio of occupational structure and lines of social division in ethnic terms. There ale analysed platforms and strategies of political parties created along ethnic lines. There ale examined factors of electoral and protest participation, catalysts competition between ethnonational communities with different statuses, variability of protection of group interests, compromises and consensus of formal and informal ethnic actors.
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    A Committee or a Conference?
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Valkoun, Jaroslav; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    This contribution is focused on the analysis of position of the Committee of Imperial Defence and the system of Imperial Conferences in inter-imperial relations in the years 1911–1914. After the Imperial Conference of 1911 rejected the reform proposals, some members of the Round Table Movement and British and Dominion representatives started the campaign for replacing the Conference system with the Committee of Imperial Defence. The Dominion refusing attitude was a final confirmation that the Committee was not going to become an advisory body of the British Empire any time soon, and that the Conference system remained unreformed.
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    Leopold Graf Berchtold – Grandseigneur und Staatsmann oder der Urheber des Weltkrieges? Zur Außenpolitik der Habsburgermonarchie der letzten Jahre vor dem Ersten Weltkrieg
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Skřivan, Aleš Sr.; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Autor dedicated this study to the personality of Count Leopold Berchtold, who served as Foreign Minister of Austria-Hungary in last years before the outbreak of First World War. Author presents Berchtolds diplomatic career, analyzes the circumstances of his nomination as Foreign Minister and primarily pays the attention to the Berchtolds role in the last years before First World War and especially during the July Crisis 1914.
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    Theresia von Sternberg. The Life of Noblewoman in the 19th Century
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Tomsová, Petra; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The aim of this study is to depict the life of Theresia von Sternberg (1819– 1873), née von Stadion-Thannhausen. Although the research of an archive material led to presenting the Countess as average and unremarkable, the look at her private life represents an interesting insight. At the background of Countess’ life, the author presents a certain prototype of a noblewoman of the 19th century and simultaneously offers an insight into the family and everyday life of aristocratic circles. This work is based on the currently unpublished primary sources, primarily the so called ego-documents (family correspondence and Countess’ personal diary). Furthermore, the personal documents of official nature – a marriage contract, a testament or an inventory of the deceased and others – were utilized as well.
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    Das Bild des Fürsten Imre Thökölys und Ungarns in der deutschsprachigen Literatur am Ende des 17. Jahrhunderts
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2013) Lénárt, Orsolya; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Hungary as a topic has been present in the German-speaking literature, although the 17th century represented a turning point of the perception of Hungary. At this time the war was a constant part in the everyday life of the society: firstly the Thirty Year’s War (1618–1648), secondly the English Civil War (1640– 1688) and last but not least the great Turkish War in Hungary (1683–1699). So the domestic problems of these countries were discussed intensively in the international press. The home affairs of Hungary were a main topic in the German-speaking journals: in the portfolio of the Herzog August Bibliothek in Wolfenbüttel approximately 1,500 titles can be found, which high-lighted Hungary, the Hungarian circumstances as the great Turkish War, Magnates’ Conspiracy or the Thököly-betray. Eberhard Werner Happel’s Der Ungarische Kriegs-Roman, which has 6 parts, is – due to its genre and length – a very special article in the HAB’s collection. Eberhard Werner Happel (1647–1690) was one of the most productive and hardworking author of the later baroque era, who was neglected in the German literature in the following decades and century. The following paper would like to introduce what kind of Hungaryimage Happel could create. The main question of this presentation is: how does Happel display the Thököly-betrayal? The international publicity was scandalized at this step and Thököly’s disloyal behavior was put forward. The intensive presence of these topics impressed Happel, who worked from secondary sources. So Thököly and his policy appear with a great focus in Happel’s novel and Hungary-image.
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