Politische Partizipation von ethnischen Akteuren im Vielvölkerstaat: Erfahrungen von Galizien und der Bukowina in der Donaumonarchie

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The article examines the institutional processes in Austro-Hungary’s ethnopolitics on the rights and needs of ethnic actors, processes of internal and external institutionalization of Ukrainian, Polish, Jewish, Romanian and German political actors in Galicia and Bukovina. There is characterized the legal basis for the formalization of political participation of citizens, policy priorities of the state in terms of ethnic awakening. There is traced the genesis of ethnic political mobilization of the catalyst, there is defined the ratio of occupational structure and lines of social division in ethnic terms. There ale analysed platforms and strategies of political parties created along ethnic lines. There ale examined factors of electoral and protest participation, catalysts competition between ethnonational communities with different statuses, variability of protection of group interests, compromises and consensus of formal and informal ethnic actors.



institucionalizace, politická participace, politická mobilizace, etnický konflikt, interetnický kompromis, interetnická interakce


West Bohemian Historical Review. 2013, no. 1, p. 94-114.
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