Číslo 1 (2012)

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    Jan Wanner: In the Shadow of Cold War. Middle East in years of Eisenhower’s Doctrine, 1956–1960.
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Kárník, Jiří; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
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    Eric Ives, Lady Jane Grey. A Tudor Mystery, Wiley-Blackwell, Chichester 2011. 372 pages
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Chlubna, Jan; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
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    The Causes of the First Anglo-Afghan War
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Kárník, Jiří; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Afghanistan is a land where war seems to last forever. The goal of this article is to show how the first intervention of western power in Afghanistan started. The main conflict in Central Asia in the 19th century was a long-term struggle between Russia and the British Empire over the influence in this part of the world, usually called, “The Great Game.” Russia started to march towards Khanates such as Bokhara or Khiva and strengthened its influence in Persia. Concerns about a Russian advance and the security of the Indian western border grew in London and British India at the same time. Afghanistan experienced a long and bloody fight of succession between two branches of the Durrani tribe, Sadozais and Barakzais, in the beginning of the 19th century. The Barakzais won this civil war and Dost Mohammad Khan became the Emir of Kabul. Nevertheless, Ranjit Singh, the ruler of the Sikh state, took control of Peshawar during the civil war and this created the chasm of interests between Afghanistan and the Sikh state, which could never be overcome. The article tries to explain how these aspects merged and led to the war, and attempts to clarify who holds the dominant part of responsibility in the final decision that resulted in a start of the armed conflict.
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    Peter Viereck’s View of Metternich’s Conservative Internationalism
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Egedy, Gergely; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    This study is focussed on the political views of Clemens Metternich, the chancellor and foreign minister of the Hapsburg Empire. To be more precise, the article is concerned with Viereck’s interpretation of Metternich. Peter Viereck was one of the principle theoreticians of conservatism in twentieth-century America, who offered a markedly unorthodox analysis of Metternich’s conservatism, touching upon a number of crucial questions. He considers Metternich to be a “principle”, an exponent and guardian of prudential conservatism and conservative internationalism. He emphasizes Metternich’s efforts to tame the resurgent nationalism of the European nations and also his little-known attempts to reform the structure of the Hapsburg Empire. The approach adopted by this study is defined primarily by an interest in the history of political ideas.
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    Indian Trading Community in Astrakhan in Context of Russian-Indian Relationship (1636–1725)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Wanner, Michal; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The paper deals with the history of the Indian business communities in Russia in the years 1636–1725. It provides a critical review of existing literature and series of documents on the topic. In the overall context of the Indo-Russian trade relations describes the advent of Indian merchants in Russia and their impact on Russian cities. The core of the study consists of a description of the largest Indian community in Russia, the Indian community in Astrakhan. The economic, political and cultural status of this minority in Russia and its business activities is reconstructed based on the published records. In the final part, much attention is paid to the role of Indian traders in an effort to Peter I on the establishment of commercial and political relations with the Indian subcontinent.
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    Censorship Measures in Bohemia in the Period 1547–1621
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Stuchlíková, Marika; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The article tries to record all important censorship measures issued in Bohemia before the battle at the White Mountain and to trace up the principles of current functioning of the censorhip in practice. The censorship measures were mainly used as a tool in the struggle between the king and the Estates and rather responded to the immediate situation. Despite a large number of individual commands, the effect of them was more shortterm and unproductive. The king’s constant attempt of full control of the situation via the representative bodies represents the main line of the state censorship policy, which was at the end of the period supported by the Catholic Church. The conditions in the country were even more complicated by the fact of two legaly existing reliongs and by the quickly spreading reformation.
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    The Diplomatic Background of Austria’s and Prussia’s Military Assistance to the Ottoman Empire in the 1830s
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Šedivý, Miroslav; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The primary goal of the paper is to put the assistance of Austria and Prussia to the Ottoman military reforms in the 1830s into the context of diplomatic relations within the Eastern Question, and explain why the Sublime Porte asked the two German Powers for their officers, why only the Prussians were finally employed in 1837. Furthermore, the paper also evidences the fact that the collaboration of the two German Powers with Sultan Mahmud II in his reformatory effort must be viewed not only in the diplomatic but also social context and that the changes in the Ottoman army had been attentively observed by Austria’s and Prussia’s diplomats, and Austrian Chancellor Metternich in particular, long before the employment of the two Powers’ officers in the Near East was officially discussed with the Ottoman authorities; the Viennese cabinet had even provided the education of several Ottoman youths in its Technical military academy. The paper is finally intended as a brief contribution to the relations between Central Europe, represented in this case by the two most important members of the German Confederation, and the Ottoman Empire in the 1830s.
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    Historical and Legal Milestones of Medieval Papal Elections
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Suchánek, Drahomír; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The subject of this study is the legal order´s analysis of papal elections in the Middle Age. The author concentrates on three fundamental provisions – the In nomine Domini decree of 1059 and the constitutions Licet de vitanda of 1179 and Ubi periculum of 1274. The presented analysis of the electoral legislation includes as the legal aspects, so historical context and implications for the further development of papal elections. The considerable attention is paid to the complicated relationship between papacy and College of Cardinals, whose role in the electoral process grew steadily.
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    Die Türkenkriege in Ungarn in den Jahren 1684– 1688: Der Kaiser und seine Verbündeten im Kampf gegen den „Erbfeind“
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Boritzka, Jiří; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    For almost one hundred and fifty years the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire were struggling for control in Hungary. After the unsuccessful second Siege of Vienna in 1683 the situation seemed to be convenient for the reconquest of Turkish Hungary. The alliance of the Holy League against the Sultan was created in the spring of 1684 in which the Emperor, the Pope, Poland and Venice were involved. The Habsburgs focused their interests towards the Kingdom of Hungary from now on. Until 1688, in a series of campaigns the Christian forces reconquered most of Hungary and in addition the Habsburgs achieved the title of the hereditary kings of St. Stephen’s Crown.
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    Kosovo’s Territorial Characteristics from the Roman Empire to the Fall of the Medieval Serbian State
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Gulyás, László; Csüllog, Gábor; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    One of the most significant features of the more than 20-year long agony of the communist state in Yugoslavia in relation to the Kosovo question is the Serbian-Albanian conflict. The Serbians in general consider Kosovo as an ancient Serbian land and they object to its secession from Serbia. On the other hand, the overwhelming majority of the Albanians in Kosovo (over 90%) want to secede from Serbia, that is, Serbian historical interests oppose Albanian ethnic interests. The aim of our research partnership was to outline the history of the area called Kosovo today, and to analyse its characteristics from the age of the Roman Empire up to now. This study is to introduce the results of the first phase of the research. As it is suggested by the title, the history of Kosovo as a region is outlined in it, from the age of the Roman Empire to the fall of the medieval Serbian State (1458). Our research was also aimed at describing Kosovo’s 2000-year-old history from historical, political and geographical points of view. The migration routes between areas of power, the spatial development of various states and the historical spatial structures, which can be built on the formerly mentioned characteristics were our starting points, which were all helpful when interpreting the historical correlations of the ‘Kosovo problem’.
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    Comme les orties dans le jardin, comme les aigremoines dans la crinière des chevaux...Les conflits entre Tchèques et Allemands en Bohême au 14e et au début du 15e siècle
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Nejedlý, Martin; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Medieval sources speak, particularly from the end of the 13th and the beginning of the 14th centuries onwards, of conflicts between Czechs and Germans. Facing competition from German colonization and newly founded towns, usually controlled by the German patriciate, the Czech aristocracy resorted to what could be labelled national or nationalist argumentation. The aristocracy would commission literary works in Czech that used the concept of language as a synonym for nation. In such works, Germans were considered mere “guests” in a land that “naturally” belonged to the Czechs. At the beginning of the 15th century, these national tensions intensified both in towns and at the university in Prague, among others in connection with the emerging reform movement, and there arose the need of a narrower definition of the Czech nation, going beyond the criterion of language.
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