Die Türkenkriege in Ungarn in den Jahren 1684– 1688: Der Kaiser und seine Verbündeten im Kampf gegen den „Erbfeind“

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


For almost one hundred and fifty years the Habsburg Monarchy and the Ottoman Empire were struggling for control in Hungary. After the unsuccessful second Siege of Vienna in 1683 the situation seemed to be convenient for the reconquest of Turkish Hungary. The alliance of the Holy League against the Sultan was created in the spring of 1684 in which the Emperor, the Pope, Poland and Venice were involved. The Habsburgs focused their interests towards the Kingdom of Hungary from now on. Until 1688, in a series of campaigns the Christian forces reconquered most of Hungary and in addition the Habsburgs achieved the title of the hereditary kings of St. Stephen’s Crown.



mezinárodní vztahy, 17. století, habsburská monarchie, Maďarsko, Osmanská říše


West Bohemian Historical Review. 2012, no. 1, p. 91-114.
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