Číslo 3-4 (2014)

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    10. mezinárodní studentská vědecká konference AntropoWebu: „Quo vadis antropologie?“
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Bednárová, Lenka; Plecháčková, Barbora
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    Má přítomnost vousů v tváři stárnoucího muže vliv na míru jeho sympatií při utváření prvního dojmu?
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Pavlíková, Lada
    If we were each person to treat as acompletely unique, we would experience a great uncertainty according to social psychology. So, our view of the world we simplify using a categorization involving the organization of impressions through relatively stable schemes. The less information we have, the easier it is to resort to stereotyping,thus we classify the people according to the predetermined criteria based on superficial characteristics, in this case the characteristics of initially unknown men perceivable from a merestatic picture of his face. The following study was initially intended to reveal whether the face of an aging man can be perceived at first glance as physically attractive from static facial photographs and if there is in this respect a common consensus.One hundred and twenty respondents of different age and gender was consistent in the fact that the face, which already showing signs of aging, cannot be seen as a physically attractive in general, and quite naturally they perceived them as sympathetic or unsympathetic. With help of the paired comparison technique using ten individual photos of male faces in the age range of 50–65 years was as the most sympathetic identified the man M10. His photo, from the maximum possible 1080 “sympathetic” evaluations, was as more sympathetic evaluated 847 times. Together with the lowest standard deviation (SD = 1.56) and sampling variance (2.44) related to this photo, we can also talk about a common consensus in the view on the sympathy for this man. Wholly randomly, five clean shaven and five bearded men appeared among the evaluated photographs of male faces, though the impact of the facial hair presence on the sympathy was not the primary objective of this study. It turned out, however, that as more sympathetic were statisticly significantly labeled men with clean-shaven faces (p=4.9*10-6), and that the presence of facial hair in the aging men correlated with the sympathy negatively (rp=-1).
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    Interdisciplinární výzkum archeologických artefaktů pomocí moderních technologií
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Čapek, Ladislav; Holata, Lukáš; Menšík, Petr; Baterl, Petr; Hrdlička, Jan; Říha, Jan; Savková, Jarmila; Vařeka, Pavel
    The paper introduces results of project of interdisciplinary research of artifacts through modern technologies based on archaeometric study of Prehistoric and Middle Age pottery and on chemical analyses of soils around a deserted medieval village. Processes of production and use of the ceramic artifacts in the past society may be studied in a better way through modern archaeometric methods; chemical analyses of soils enable a non-destructive understanding of inner structure of areas of activities and components on archaeological sites. Chemical analyses of soils on the basis of phosphate analysis were applied on example of the deserted medieval village called Sloupek (Rokycany region) where it was possibleto define spatial structure of activities in terms of one farmstead on the basis of phosphate distribution and we were able to interpret processes related to abandonment of the site followed by organic remains. Archaeometric analyses of the settlement pottery from the Younger Bronze Age and Middle Age pottery from České Budějovice enabled us to understand the structure of the ceramic raw material and character of the pottery production. It is possible to take into consideration local or regional production of Middle Ageas well as Prehistoric pottery on the basis of the identified characteristics which was not related to any other production spheres.
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    Politická kultura v narativech: kulturní repertoáry vztahování se k současné politice
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Grznár, Miroslav; Beránková, Petra; Černá, Lucie; Samec, Tomáš
    Political culture as a concept is an interdisciplinary issue balancing between cultural anthropology, political science and sociology. This article presents conclusions of qualitative research of contemporary czech political culture. Our research is based on 35 narrative interviews conducted by students with their parents. We can infer from quantitative studies that the level of trust in the political system, institutions and actors has hit the bottom. These studies are not able to describe all aspects of political culture. From our position of interpretative paradigm we aim to analyse cultural repertoires through which is the political situation narratively reconstructed. We perceive narrative as a performative genre of refering to social reality. We have identified the following repertoires: 1. interested, 2. objective,3. evasive and 4. alienated. We have found four types of layman’s theories, which were used by narrators to explain the drop of trust in politics: 1.communist past 2. the nature of the Czech nation 3. fatalistic theories of power 4. theories of “these days”.
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    Reklama v českých zemích v 19. století jako příklad akulturačního přenosu hospodářské inovace
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Stuchlík, Jaroslav
    The study explains some aspects of the development of Czech modern advertising in the 19th century. The study uses an analysis of the discourse about the content of the term “reklama”(ie advertising). Author criticizes professionally unsubstantiated thesis about historical origin of Czech modern advertising, which appear in the primary and secondary literature. The study rejects the concept of local development Czech advertising.According to the author it is necessary to combine emergence advertising (in the 19th century) with the process of acculturation. Process of acculturation began in the first half of the 19th century. Transfer of innovation took place in the direction from the center to the periphery. The traditional form of the offers of goods was mainly verbal, vocal and audiovocal. Acculturation reaction has brought preferences of visual and literary forms. Acculturation was also a conflict between high and low culture.
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    Dívkou a chlapecem ve volném čase: vnímání genderu v rámci zájmových aktivit
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Kůst, Tomáš
    In this paper I would like to explain how students of first grade (12 years old) and last (eighth) grade (19 years old) at one grammar school in Pilsen region understand their gender in connection with free time activities and interests. Free time activities and interests are important part of human life. It is connected with all components of our life. It means we can suppose that gender stereotypes will exist in area of interests and free time activities too.The aim of this work was to understand and explain how gender stereotypes are produced and repeated. I decided for mixed methods research design. First of my results is that for participants free time and interests are not the same thing. Second of main results is that in area of interests and hobbies are produced and repeated gender stereotypes. However the participants have never said it in the interview.The positive result of this research is howgender stereotypes could be deconstructed. It is possible thanks to personal experience with untypical interest according to gender. This experience was shared through interactions with others and it brought positive changes of opinions.
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    Biomoc a "medikalizace" společnosti jako rysy "modernity"
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Tinková, Daniela
    This paper will discuss the strategies of the health police of Enlightenment era in Bohemia and in Czech lands that aimed to protect health as “Gemeinwohl“ - Public Good, Common Good. First will be highlighted general, pervasive nature of health and policing strategies in general, then focus on two examples (which can be used as models of preventive measures against the spread of such exposure and diseases that manifest themselves clearly and necessarily “egalitarian“ character, which only ensures their real efficiency: first, on the reform of funeral services and modalities, then and the introduction of vaccination. However, while some of the “egalitarian“ Regulation of funeral encountered a generalor partial resistance (burials in bags in order to accelerate decomposition, replacement of individual family tombs, graves, tombstones ban on placing a flat “recycling“ graves after 9-10 years,etc.) gradual introduction of general vaccination (apparently due to the more immediate threat of fatal disease) was despite initial misgivings and mistrust basically successful. The strategies of bio-power and medicalization are, finally, demonstrated in a detail on the the phaenomenon of the „birth of the birth clinic“ (and, more generally, the professionalization of obstetrics in 18th century), that could be considered as example par excellence. In conclusion, it should be emphasized that it was police-bureaucratic character of the Austrian state and its control mechanisms significantly helped to promote new health and hygiene rules and health-disciplining mechanisms, which undoubtedly contributed to the gradual improvement of the level of health in our country.
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