Dívkou a chlapecem ve volném čase: vnímání genderu v rámci zájmových aktivit

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In this paper I would like to explain how students of first grade (12 years old) and last (eighth) grade (19 years old) at one grammar school in Pilsen region understand their gender in connection with free time activities and interests. Free time activities and interests are important part of human life. It is connected with all components of our life. It means we can suppose that gender stereotypes will exist in area of interests and free time activities too.The aim of this work was to understand and explain how gender stereotypes are produced and repeated. I decided for mixed methods research design. First of my results is that for participants free time and interests are not the same thing. Second of main results is that in area of interests and hobbies are produced and repeated gender stereotypes. However the participants have never said it in the interview.The positive result of this research is howgender stereotypes could be deconstructed. It is possible thanks to personal experience with untypical interest according to gender. This experience was shared through interactions with others and it brought positive changes of opinions.



gender, stereotypy, volný čas, volnočasové aktivity, students, gymnázium


AntropoWebzin. 2014, č. 3-4, s. 119-130.
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