Číslo 1 (2014)

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    Úvod do studia neoliberalismu: Inspirace pro antropologii
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Hejnal, Ondřej
    The aim of this review study is to introduce and examine various concepts of neoliberalism, with special emphasis on the ongoing discussions in the field of anthropology. This text is divided into several chapters inspired by and modifying slightly Mathieu Hilgers’ typology, focusing respectively on structural, governmental, cultural and combined approaches to the conceptualization of neoliberalism. Structural approaches, combining the sociological and geographical traditions, are represented by David Pierre Bourdieu, Loïc J. D. Wacquant and Bob Jessop. The section dealing with the governmental approach contains works by Stephen J. Collier, Aihwa Ong, James Ferguson and John Clarke, and the cultural approach is represented by texts written by Jean and John Comaroff. Works by Mathieu Hilgers, Andrew Kipnis, Catherine Kingfisher and Jeff Maskovsky constitute the last section focusing on combined approaches. The last chapter presents a comprehensive critique of the approaches reviewed.
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    Povaha ľudskej spolupráce a význam altruistického trestania: Ako sa ľudia správajú v laboratóriu a v teréne?
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Hulín, Martin
    The aim of this review study is to introduceand examine various concepts of neoliberalism,with special emphasis on the ongoingdiscussions in the field of anthropology. This textis divided into several chapters inspired by and modifying slightly Mathieu Hilgers’ typology,focusing respectively on structural, governmental,cultural and combined approaches to the conceptualization of neoliberalism. Structuralapproaches, combining the sociological and geographicaltraditions, are represented by DavidHarvey, Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore,Pierre Bourdieu, Loïc J. D. Wacquant and BobJessop. The section dealing with the governmental approach contains works by Stephen J. Collier,Aihwa Ong, James Ferguson and John Clarke,and the cultural approach is represented bytexts written by Jean and John Comaroff. Worksby Mathieu Hilgers, Andrew Kipnis, Catherine Kingfisher and Jeff Maskovsky constitute the lastsection focusing on combined approaches. Thelast chapter presents a comprehensive critique ofthe approaches reviewed.
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    Kdy je třeba říci dost: Když etická dilemata ve feministickém výzkumu překročí určitou mez
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Dlouhá, Marie
    Every researcher has to deal withnumerous ethical questions during the wholeresearch process. Ethical dilemmas are partiallybased on the theoretical perspective of theresearcher. My perspective in gender and entrepreneurshipresearch was a feminist approach,which is primarily based on rejecting the valuefreenature of research, and accepting a politicalcommitment to create knowledge which could improvethe position of women in society. This articlepresents research which started in autumn 2012.I planned to do a complex case study of one projectwhich helps women to start their own businesses.The biggest ethical problem which emerged in theprocess of research was the imbalance betweenmy values and the values of the organizers andparticipants of this project. Double responsibility– towards participants of the research andtowards my scientific caused the termination ofthe research. The main reason was the fact thatit would be impossible to present and publishany results – any form of presentation would beagainst the values of one or the other side. The articleshows that terminating research is one of theways a researcher can solve his/her ethical dilemmas.
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    Cesta do hlubin kontejneru
    (AntropoWeb, 2014) Brunclíková, Lenka; Sosna, Daniel
    The research presented is part of the“Pilsen Garbage Project”. It presents the resultsof research focused on household garbage in a ruralarea in the Pilsen region. We aim to shed lighton the relationship between people and wastethrough the study of discarded things. Having analyzedthe waste from various households, we areable to capture the habitual patterns of discarders´actions, as well as their way of thinking about objectsthat disappear out of sight. The investigationwas conducted at the recycling center in Pilsen,where the collected waste was sorted, analyzedand described in detail. The data was digitized inthe field using a tablet. In total we analyzed andrecorded nearly 240 kg of solid and recyclablehousehold waste belonging to the whole village.The results reveal not only that a standardizeddiet has been adopted throughout the community,but also a quantitatively significant consumptionof alcoholic beverages. Habitual patterns aremanifested not only in the shared classificationof waste for recycling, but also in the appearanceof discarded things. By gaining detailed information,we aspire to demonstrate that garbology canbe successfully used to expand our knowledge ofcontemporary society.