Povaha ľudskej spolupráce a význam altruistického trestania: Ako sa ľudia správajú v laboratóriu a v teréne?

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The aim of this review study is to introduceand examine various concepts of neoliberalism,with special emphasis on the ongoingdiscussions in the field of anthropology. This textis divided into several chapters inspired by and modifying slightly Mathieu Hilgers’ typology,focusing respectively on structural, governmental,cultural and combined approaches to the conceptualization of neoliberalism. Structuralapproaches, combining the sociological and geographicaltraditions, are represented by DavidHarvey, Neil Brenner, Jamie Peck, Nik Theodore,Pierre Bourdieu, Loïc J. D. Wacquant and BobJessop. The section dealing with the governmental approach contains works by Stephen J. Collier,Aihwa Ong, James Ferguson and John Clarke,and the cultural approach is represented bytexts written by Jean and John Comaroff. Worksby Mathieu Hilgers, Andrew Kipnis, Catherine Kingfisher and Jeff Maskovsky constitute the lastsection focusing on combined approaches. Thelast chapter presents a comprehensive critique ofthe approaches reviewed.



ekonomické hry, altruistické trestání, silná reciprocita, lovecko-sběračské společnosti, spolupráce, řešení konfliktu, symbolické sankce


AntropoWebzin. 2014, č. 1, s. 21-32.