Číslo 1 (2016)

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    The position of Carpathian Ruthenia in the political system of the first Czechoslovak republic on thebBackground of the issue of parliamentary elections and preferences of main political currents by Carpathian-Ruthenian Voters (1918–1938)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Tóth, Andrej; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The study focuses, in the context of the position of Carpathian Ruthenia in the political system of the First Czechoslovak Republic, on the issue of the parliamentary elections, specifically on the representation of Carpathian Ruthenia in the Czechoslovak National Assembly. Within the issue of the parliamentary election, it highlights particularly the uneven limitations of the rules for election to the National Assembly for Carpathian Ruthenia, putting at disadvantage the easternmost tip of interwar Czechoslovakia in the central legislative body of the country. From the perspective of the political situation, it also summarizes the political stratification of the voters of the easternmost tip of the Czechoslovak Republic of that time, from the perspective of the Carpathian-Ruthenian results of the four parliamentary elections of the First Republic.
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    Last Political Success of Prime Minister Imre Nagy: Establishment of the Popular Front – in Propaganda of the Radio Hungary 1954
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Simándi, Irén; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The last political success of Prime Minister Imre Nagy was the establishment of the Popular Front in 1954. The new organization, similar to the former Popular Front for Independence that existed during WW2 in Hungary, would provide support the new reform Government and have a say in shaping the country’s affairs. During the establishment of the new Government’s Program developed a conflict between the group of Imre Nagy and that of party General Secretary Mátyás Rakosi. The conflict was also noted with interest in Moscow. The uncertainty derived from the hostility between Rákosi and Imre Nagy can be detected from the Radio propaganda programs. After a successful Popular Front Congress on the November 28, 1954, the national Local Council Elections were held. But the Councils did not become autonomous, they were supervised by the Office of the Council of Ministers. The promise, however, was still lingering on. Not for a long time. Following the elections, the very next day the process aimed at expelling. To remove Imre Nagy entirely from politics had soon began. Mátyás Rákosi did not hesitate to use any single means against him, trusting the support of Moscow.
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    Ungarische Zivilisten von Klausenburg in sowjetische Gefangenschaft 1944–1949
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Murádin, János Kristóf; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The study deals with the capturing of prisoners by the Red Army, taking control over Transylvania in the fall of 1944. More precisely, it presents the deportation of Hungarian civilians from Kolozsvár (today: Cluj-Napoca, Romania), took over in only a few days, immediately after the entering of the Soviet troops in the city, in October 1944. The main objective of this study is to realize an analysis on this capturing, in order to present the methods used by the Soviet Union in collecting manpower for rebuilding of the country, all over Eastern Europe, at the end ofWorldWar II. There are described the circumstances of capturing the prisoners, the number of those taken away, the routes of their deportation, the locations of the forced labour camps, the length of the captivity, the number of the victims, and the return of the survivors. With these alltogether, the study aims to offer a comprehensive perspective on a theme being taboo for fourty years under the communist regime in Romania. The source material of the study consists of archival data, specialist books, scientific articles, essays, published recollections, memoires and interviews with survivors made by the author.
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    The opening of Japan
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Lebedová, Eliška; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    Since the first half of the 17th century Japan closed itself against the influence of the outside world. Only the Dutch traders could under strict restrictions enter the port of Nagasaki. This policy of so-called sakoku (isolation) was one of the cornerstones of the Tokugawa bakufu. However, since the turn of the 18th and 19th century the ships of the western powers started to gain interest in the seas around Japan. The ruling Tokugawa regime was nevertheless anxious of the internal consequences of the opening of the country and turned away any effort of western Great Powers to open Japan to foreign trade. This policy was not however backed by military ability to repulse the foreigners if they came and tried to open Japan by force. The arrival of powerful fleet of Commodore Perry in 1853 therefore compelled the bakufu to sign a first treaty opening its ports to western country. Treaties with other countries followed soon and at the end of the 50s Japan had to sign a series of unequal treaties under the pressure of the Great Powers. This was a start of a whole new period of Japanese history
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    Die ersten Jahre der tschechoslowakisch- -(west)deutschen Gesellschaft Peute Reederei GmbH Hamburg (1978–1980)
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Jakubec, Ivan; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The creation of Peute Reederei AG Hamburg in 1978 solved several problems faced by Czechoslovakian nautical agency. This steamship company was indeed a unique joint venture of Czechoslovakia and West Germany. The company was a reaction to consequences on Czechoslovakian nautical activities for being excluded from no-agreement statement on Elbe in West Germany and rest of western European countries. Formation of Peute Reedrei afforded experience opportunities to Czechoslovakian sailors aiming at nautical patents on West German waters. The company “saved” foreign reserve by purchasing Czechoslovakian components and by employing Czechoslovakian sailors in addition to its cooperation with the Hamburg branch of Cˇ SPL. This study is focusing on the early period of the company between 1978 and 1980.
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    Türkengefahr als Kommunikationsprozess: Perspektiven des „gemeinen Mannes“ in der Reformationszeit
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Hille, Martin; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    The defeat of King Louis II of Hungary and Bohemia by the Turks in the battle of Mohacs in 1526 marked a profound break in European history. Since then the Ottoman Empire and the Habsburg Empire were face to face and there where many indications which suggested the continuation of the Muslim advance. Three years later the failed siege of Vienna by the Turks confirmed such fears. Against this backdrop the essay considers the media impact of the Ottoman Wars in the reformation period with regard to the views and perceptions of the common man in German free and imperial cities. Town chronicles could provide deep insights in the minds of the ordinary citizen but also in the process of communication of the ottoman wars. Hence the essay compares the assessments of the innumerable pamphlets with those of the mainly catholic chroniclers. Although the impact of printed media discourse improved the chroniclers knowledge about the Ottoman Wars since the mid-1520s they developed their own views. While many printed sermons and pamphlets referred to the eschatological dimension of the Ottoman threat the chroniclers preferred a more factual view. Many of them focused on the additional tax burdens on the common man and the sad fate of the common Christian soldier but hardly on the moral and theological dimension of the Muslim advance.
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    Neglected past, gloomy future: reflecting on the contemporary challenges of economic development in Africa
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2016) Akubor, Emmanuel Osewe; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, Gabriele
    In every human society, the role of history in determining the level of development cannot be ignored. History is not just an academic discipline, but also the totality of changes humanity has undergone as well as the interactions man enters into with his fellow man on the one hand and the environment on the other since the evolution of the human society. It is therefore, the sum total of these that brings about the development in the society. The history of Africa before colonial conquest is full of various attempts by the people to develop their various areas using indigenous technology, which in some cases are considered very advanced. However, over the years especially after independence, this idea seems to have completely disappeared, which in the view of the paper is due to the neglect of study and knowledge of history. This paper therefore examines the role of the neglect of history in the reality and causes of contemporary economic woes in present day African setting Data obtained from primary and secondary sources were deployed to carry out the study with an analytical and narrative historical method. Findings indicate that the neglect of man in Africa to learn from the lessons of history (both the study and interaction) is responsible for the seemingly gloomy future which the continent is presently faced with as reflected in massive brain-drain, import dependency economy, raw material production industries, and incessant strife among others. The paper concludes that a genuine sense of history, a fidelity to its revelations, courageous acceptance of its judgments and workings and its implications for both the present and future, are necessary steps in the formation of the basic architecture for building a viable Africa. The paper cannot, claim to present the entire history of the continent over the period covered from a uniform perspective. It deal with some selected developments and, in this way, aim to contribute to the presentation of a more multifaceted view especially as it relates to the socio-economic stagnation and decline of indigenous technology of the African continent from a historical point of view.
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