Ungarische Zivilisten von Klausenburg in sowjetische Gefangenschaft 1944–1949

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


The study deals with the capturing of prisoners by the Red Army, taking control over Transylvania in the fall of 1944. More precisely, it presents the deportation of Hungarian civilians from Kolozsvár (today: Cluj-Napoca, Romania), took over in only a few days, immediately after the entering of the Soviet troops in the city, in October 1944. The main objective of this study is to realize an analysis on this capturing, in order to present the methods used by the Soviet Union in collecting manpower for rebuilding of the country, all over Eastern Europe, at the end ofWorldWar II. There are described the circumstances of capturing the prisoners, the number of those taken away, the routes of their deportation, the locations of the forced labour camps, the length of the captivity, the number of the victims, and the return of the survivors. With these alltogether, the study aims to offer a comprehensive perspective on a theme being taboo for fourty years under the communist regime in Romania. The source material of the study consists of archival data, specialist books, scientific articles, essays, published recollections, memoires and interviews with survivors made by the author.



Rudá armáda, civilisté, deportace, tábor, zajetí


West Bohemian Historical Review. 2016, no. 1, p. 79-93.
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