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Showing 1 - 20 out of 82 results
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    Using Z-transform for solution of steady state and transient state in single-phase voltage inverter system
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Beňová, Mariana; Dobrucký, Branislav
    The novel approach of analysis and modelling of power single-phase voltage source inverter with resistive - inductive load is introduced in the paper. The mathematical description of this system is using state space model with Z-transform method and series. Created impulse switching functions are used as exciting functions of this state space model. It makes possible to obtain the state variables in steady state and transient state in time domain using simulation model.
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    The submerged arc furnace state of work in the frequency domain
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Baron, Bernard; Kraszewski, Tomasz; Świszcz, Piotr
    This article describes the method of the measure of voltages and currents on electrodes of the submerged arc furnaces. The asymmetrical and the symmetrical state of the work have been shown in the frequency domain. The results of the measures have been illustrated and interpreted.
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    Úvodní strany
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Doležel, Ivo
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    Virtual market for trustworthy peer-to-peer computing systems
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Zochniak, Michal; Sawicki, Bartosz
    Paper presents idea of distributed, decentralized, based on desktop computers system commonly referred as a volunteer computing. Aspects related with economical and sociological background of the system, as well as technical methods of its implementation will be discussed. Authors propose solution where owners of computational power can easily join the network on non-volunteer basis and sell spare machine time. Prototype implementation is based on light virtual machines distributed using BitTorrent protocol.
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    Research of Self-Contained Induction Generator Characteristics During Direct Current Consumers Supply
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Zagirnyak, Mykhaylo; Zachepa, Iurii; Chenchevoi, Vladimir; Svystun, Anton
    The operating conditions of the induction generator – capacitor bank – rectifier load system have been researched. A harmonic analysis has been performed for currents and voltages of a self-contained induction generator with capacitor excitation when direct current consumers are connected to it. It has been demonstrated that the evaluation of the overload capacity of a selfcontained power supply with an induction generator operating for a direct current consumer is to be made on the basis of the balance of active and reactive powers of all the electromechanical system elements.
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    Induction Motor Characteristics Taking into Account the Variations of Magnetic System Properties
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Zagirnyak, Mykhaylo; Ogar, Vita; Svystun, Anton; Chenchevoi, Vladimir
    Induction motor equivalent circuits, as well as improved mathematical models, taking into account the magnetizing curve nonlinearity, the phenomena of hysteresis and eddy currents, have been proposed. Induction motor static, power and dynamic characteristics have been researched taking the mentioned phenomena into consideration. A harmonic analysis of induction motor currents under no-load conditions has been carried out. It has been demonstrated that taking magnetizing curve nonlinearity into account in the mathematical model results in coincidence of characteristics obtained at the mathematical model and experimental curves. The eddy currents losses increase influence on induction motor characteristics has been shown. The adequacy of the proposed mathematical model has been confirmed by experimental research.
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    Speedup and accuracy of parallel simulated annealing algorithms
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Wieczorek, Bożena; Połomski, Marcin
    This work presents two parallel simulated annealing algorithms to solve the vehicle routing problem with time windows (VRPTW). The aim is to explore speedups and investigate how the shorter annealing chains (ISR algotithm) and the shorter number of cooling stages (ISC algorithm) influence the accuracy of solutions to the problem.
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    Phase resonance in series fractional order RLβCα circuit
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Walczak, Janusz; Jakubowska, Agnieszka
    The paper describes the results of studies on the phase resonance phenomenon in a series RLC circuit with fractional order reactive elements. Formulas for frequency characteristics and phase resonance conditions have been derived. Simulations of concerned fractional order system have been conducted too.
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    Using uninterruptible power supply devices as protection against power disruptions in an “intelligent building”
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Typańska, Dorota; Skowronek, Konrad
    The article presents the use of uninterruptible power supply (UPS) devices based on neural networks as protection against most electromagnetic disruptions occurring in an “intelligent building”.
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    The second order LP filtering structures using the CCC
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Sztymelski, Krzysztof; Holajn, Piotr
    Frequency filtration of electric analogue signals is a question that bothered engineers for many years. The filtered signal is mostly a voltage signal, however, it is of-ten necessary to design the structure for which parameters of transmission of other electric signals such as current are important. Very fast developing techniques of digital systems did not eliminate, as was thought, the need of the use of analogue systems, but only imposes on them very high requirements. Authors have proposed in this paper a new biquad low pass filtering structures with Controlled Current Conveyors.
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    Spectrum sharing in infrastructure based Cognitive Radio networks
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Strykhalyuk, Igor; Maksymyuk, Taras
    The technique of cognitive radio network deployment in existing licensed spectrum was presented. Proposed method provide the radio resources utilization improving.
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    Impact of Humidity on Efficiency of Triboelectric Separator for Mixture of Plastic Particles
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Štarman, Václav; Kacerovský, Jan; Mach, František; Karban, Pavel; Doležel, Ivo
    A device for electrostatic separation of triboelectrically charged plastic particles is experimentally verified. A mixture consisting of high-density polyethylene and polymethyl methacrylate is used for the experiment. The goal of the experiment is to find out the efficiency of the separation depending on the temperature and humidity of the air in the charger, because the high humidity deteriorates the efficiency of the device.
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    Mathematical models of the subsystems with distributed parameters for the transient simulation of electric circuits by diakoptic methods
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Rendzinyak, Serhiy
    The ways of using mathematical models of subsystems with distributed parameters for the transient simulation of complex heterogeneous electrical circuits are proposed. Mathematical model of this subsystem is formed as a separate subcircuit at each matching step or as a single discrete nonlinear macromodel throughout the integration. The effectiveness of the approach is confirmed by examples of simulation of such circuits.
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    Analysis of the electrical parameters of electroluminescent lighting in the lobby of an office building
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Putz, Łukasz; Typańska, Dorota
    In the paper analyzed levels of higher harmonics of voltage and current, which generates a light installation in the lobby of an office building. In the luminaires were used as a source light emitting diodes. These measurements allowed to determine which elements of the lighting system cause the most disruption. Of these elements will be carried out further investigations.
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    Simulation of quasi-periodic processes in dynamic systems based on optimization approach
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Stakhiv, Petro; Byczkowska-Lipińska, Liliana; Spivak, Iryna; Kozak, Yuriy
    The simulation of quasi-periodic processes in dynamic systems based on optimization approach is considered in this article on the example of oscillator macromodel construction. The analysis of peculiarities of optimization approach application for both the case of quasi-periodic regimes simulation and the case of non-zero initial state of the simulated object has been performed.
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    Evaluation of the functional suitability of the device considering the technological parameters of random deviations from the nominal component aging processes
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Stakhiv, Petro; Krepych, Svitlana; Bobalo, Yuriy
    One of the main parameters of the device is its functional suitability. During operation device components under environmental change their parameters, ie, the process of aging. Under these conditions, there is a problem of evaluating functional fitness device taking into account the real processes of aging.
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    Detection of steel phase transition using magneto-resistive sensors in eddy current testing
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Smetana, Milan; Strapáčová, Tatiana; Janoušek, Ladislav
    This article deals with utilization of advanced magnetic sensors for detection of steel phase transformations. Giant- Magneto-Resistive and Anisotropic-Magneto-Resistive sensors are used for the magnetic properties evaluation under harmonic excitation of the eddy currents. Various material specimens are inspected. Gained results will be presented and discussed in the fullpaper.
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    Comparison of Methods of Feature Generation for Face Recognition
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Siwek, Krzysztof; Osowski, Stanislaw
    The paper is concerned with the recognition of faces at application of different methods of global feature generation. We check the selected choice of transformations of images, leading to the numerical representation of the face image. The investigated approaches include the linear and nonlinear methods of transformation: principal component analysis (PCA), Kernel PCA, Fisher linear discriminant analysis (FLD), Sammon transformation and stochastic neighbor embedding with t-distribution (tSNE). The representation of the image in the form of limited number of main components of transformation is put to the input of support vector machine classifier (SVM). The numerical results of experiments will be presented and discussed.
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    Calculation of electromechanical eigenvalues based on measured instantaneous power waveforms
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Pruski, Piotr; Paszek, Stefan
    The paper presents the results of calculations of the eigenvalues (associated with electromechanical phenomena) of the state matrix of the Polish National Power System model on the basis of analysis of the measured instantaneous power disturbance waveforms of generating units in Łaziska Power Plant. The method for calculations of electromechanical eigenvalues used in investigations consists in approximation of instantaneous power disturbance waveforms in particular generating units with use of the waveforms being a superposition of the modal components associated with the searched eigenvalues and their participation factors.
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    Spectral Based Approach of Subpixel Image Formation
    (University of West Bohemia, 2013) Prudyus, Ivan; Tkachenko, Victor; Kondratov, Peter; Lazko, Leonid; Fabirovskyy, Serhiy
    The paper deals with modern problems of digital remote sensing and the possible ways to improve the spatial resolution. New ways of data capturing that allow the use of sub-pixel technology to take pictures of a higher spatial resolution are describe. Theoretical and experimental results show that the proposed methods increase resolution of satellite images.