Calculation of electromechanical eigenvalues based on measured instantaneous power waveforms

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University of West Bohemia


The paper presents the results of calculations of the eigenvalues (associated with electromechanical phenomena) of the state matrix of the Polish National Power System model on the basis of analysis of the measured instantaneous power disturbance waveforms of generating units in Łaziska Power Plant. The method for calculations of electromechanical eigenvalues used in investigations consists in approximation of instantaneous power disturbance waveforms in particular generating units with use of the waveforms being a superposition of the modal components associated with the searched eigenvalues and their participation factors.



napájecí systémy, elektromechanické vlastní hodnoty, přechodové stavy


CPEE – AMTEE 2013: Joint conference Computational Problems of Electrical Engineering and Advanced Methods of the Theory of Electrical Engineering: 4th – 6th September 2013 Roztoky u Křivoklátu, Czech Republic, p. VI-4.