Číslo 2 (2012)

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    Biografické aktérství a konstrukce Já v životopisných vyprávěních
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Hasmanová Marhánková, Jaroslava
    The study of life course currently represents one of the prominent sociological topics. This paper focuses on the concept of biography as a narrated life-story as a specific perspective for the study of the life course. Biographical narratives are conceptualized as a way how people construct the meanings of their lives and identity through the reconstruction of their past. Through the narrative of one owns life the idea of self emerges. The first part of the paper discuss the concept of narrative biography as a way how to conceptualized the self in postmodern society (FISCHER-ROSENTHAL 1997) and how to study the individual life course. The next part of the paper focuses on the analysis of twenty biographical interviews. The key mechanism of the construction of narratives and their role in the process of the constitution the meaningful and coherent self are identified. The final part of the paper focuses on the role of agency in the process of construction of the meanings of one owns life and identity.
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    Víra v pokrok: dějiny jedné evropské ideje
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Zajíčková, Dagmar
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    Příroda se nerada svléká
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Pavlas, Petr
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    Otázka mezí interpretace – Ecova reinterpretace otevřeného čtení
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Kastnerová, Martina
    The study deals with the question of limits of interpretation in the context of contemporary literary theory, especially the conceptions which accent a reader’s autonomy of interpretation and examine text as an abstract entity. It particularly concentrates on the Eco’s concept of overinterpretation and the textual coherence as a criterion of falsification in literary theory and presents its strenghts and weaknesses in the above mentioned context and with regard to its applicability in interpretation practice.
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    Interview with professor Meir Bar-Asher
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Tarant, Zbyněk
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    Diagnostika ve starověké Mezopotámii
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Sobotková, Veronika
    This paper is describing diagnostic system in ancient Mesopotamia. Diagnostics is process of illness’s determining. Mesopotamian physicians used mainly basic method of direct observation of patient and of all his symptoms. They noted wide range of symptoms conscientiously: temperature of patient, change of color on patient’s body, condition of eyes, teethes, tongue, different kind of pain, bleeding and many others. Observed symptoms concerned all areas of human body – eye and ear diseases, respiratory diseases, diseases of the circulatory system, digestive system diseases, diseases of the genitourinary system, gynecology, obstetrics, skin diseases, diseases of musculoskeletal system, parasitic disease, mental diseases and behavioral disorders and injuries. Physicians of ancient Mesopotamia recognized not only symptoms and theirs slight differences but particularly the whole clinical picture of illness - unique combination of symptoms typical for specific illness. They were well aware of typical symptoms announcing death of patient as well. The aim of whole diagnostic system was prognosis of patient. Diagnosis (name of illness) was used rarely. Diagnostic in ancient Mesopotamia reach a considerable success, diagnostic significantly overtook therapeutical methods and possibilities of Mesopotamian physicians. It is the reason why we find prognosis of death in so many statements.
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    Evropský symbolismus a abstraktní poezie
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Kučera, Petr
    A comparative study analyses the problem of phenomenological reflexion as a principle which was used simultaneously in both modern thinking as well as modern, especially late symbolic poetry. Key figures of European symbolic poetry are in the centre of the author’s attention. The aspect of perceiving of things is observed in a broader, cultural and historical context of West European and Central European late literary symbolism.
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    Saʿīd ibn Ḥasan z Alexandrie: Židovský konvertita k islámu a jeho důkazy Muḥammadova proroctví z hebrejské Bible
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Boušek, Daniel
    The article deals with a polemical treatise Masalik al-nazar (1320) of Saʿīd ibn Ḥasan, a Jewish convert to Islam from Alexandria. Since Saʿīd did not succeed with his attempt to organize a disputation with the spiritual leaders of the Jews and the Christians, he put his polemical arguments on paper. The author gives in the treatise a long list of putative prophecies concerning the prophet Muhammad and Islam culled from the Hebrew Bible, which bear witness to Saʿīd’s unfamiliarity with the Muslim polemical literature. In so doing, when unable to shut down the houses of prayer of ”protected people” altogether, he aimed at least to persuade the Muslim authorities to eradicate the pictures and the statues from them. Masalik al-nazar contains inter alia interesting biographical parts describing the author’s process of conversion which was triggered by a dream vision urging him to convert. The treatise offers a valuable testimony to aggravating social conditions of the non-Muslim minorities in the Mamluk Egypt and Syria.
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    Naqšbandíja haqqáníja, transnacionalismus a internet
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Křížek, Daniel
    This article focuses on very popular concept of Transnationalism and shows how it can be used in research on contemporary Sufism. Contemporary mystic order (tariqa) Naqshbandiyya Haqqaniyya serves as the case here. It is one of the younger branches of generally very successful and widespread order Naqshbandiyya which has roots in late Middle Ages. Haqqaniyya is remarkable in given context because, apart from other things, it has spread across the world in few decades after its origins in early seventies and it is very successful in Europe and United States.
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    „Jupiter byl silnější než Baal, ale Wotan mocnější než Jupiter. A tak se zrodil náš svět”
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Budil, Ivo
    The Fall of Roman Empire and the role of the barbarians in the course of this episode played a crucial role in the development of the historical imagination of Western civilization. Victory of Germanic leader Arminius over three Roman legions led by Publius Quinctilius Varus in the battle of Teutoburg forest was interpreted as a demonstration of the racial superiority of Nordic barbarians over the decadent and corrupted Mediterranean Roman civilization. The belief in a special historical mission of Nordic Germanic tribes and their indispensable contribution to the rise of the mediaeval Western society had flourished in the time of Reformation and Romanticism and reflected the political aspirations of some nations of the Northern Europe. Modern archaeology and anthropology have deconstructed the myth of historical and racial Germanic superiority as an outcome of Romantic essentialisation of diffused ethnic identities of various populations in late Antiquity and Early Middle Ages.
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    Úvodní slovo
    (Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2012) Budil, Ivo