Naqšbandíja haqqáníja, transnacionalismus a internet

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


This article focuses on very popular concept of Transnationalism and shows how it can be used in research on contemporary Sufism. Contemporary mystic order (tariqa) Naqshbandiyya Haqqaniyya serves as the case here. It is one of the younger branches of generally very successful and widespread order Naqshbandiyya which has roots in late Middle Ages. Haqqaniyya is remarkable in given context because, apart from other things, it has spread across the world in few decades after its origins in early seventies and it is very successful in Europe and United States.



islámský mysticismus, súfism, Naqšbandíja Haqqáníja, transnacionalismus


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2012, č. 2, s. 40-51.
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