Safety requirements related to collaborative robots in the Czech Republic

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The main topic of this paper is concentrated on collaborative robots. Specifically preparation of their implementation in terms of safety requirements specification in the Czech Republic. Firstly, the paper is concentrated on a description of collaborative robots, their advantages and disadvantages. Then the main subject of the paper is described in the analysis of the safety requirements in relation to the legislative conditions of the Czech Republic. Not respecting the safety requirements can have significant consequences for a company implementing collaborative robots. The paper describes three important parts of the safety requirements: technical standards related to machines, legislative machinery regulations and technical standards related to industrial robots and collaborative robots. The important parts of the safety requirements are mentioned specifically with references.




BROUM, T., ŠIMON, M. Safety requirements related to collaborative robots in the Czech Republic. MM Science Journal, 2020, roč. 2020, č. March, s. 3852-3856. ISSN 1803-1269.
