Postoj britských dominií k Locarnskému paktu

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Západočeská univerzita v Plzni


In October 1925 the Locarno Conference took place, which dealt primarily with the guarantee of the German Western frontiers and meant an important keystone solving the problems of Western European diplomatic climate in the years 1925-1930. Great Britain took a step, which its politicians were rejecting for a long time, and it accepted a formal obligation to help an attacked European country, without a previous consent of the British Dominions. Its position was essentially changed after the First World War; the separate signature of the Treaty of Versailles and the separate membership in the League of Nations raised its independence of the homeland. In the question of the collective security the Dominions often behaved independently and mostly rejected the new British commitments. Therefore, London reached a decision to inform them about all affairs, which referred to the negotiations about the Locarno Pact; the Dominions, however, simultaneously did not have any real influence on the decision-making of the homeland. They did not participate in the ceremonial signature of the pact, and this way they confirmed its independent policy in the question of the collective security. Thus, in the late 1925 brought out that it was impossible to pursued the unified imperial policy.



britská dominia, Locarnský pakt, kolektivní bezpečnost


Acta Fakulty filozofické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni. 2011, č. 2, s. 14-35.