Simulation game in career-oriented activities

dc.contributor.authorDmitrieva, Tat´jana Vladimirovna
dc.contributor.authorChabibullina, Al´bina Al´bertovna
dc.description.abstract-translatedAn important stage in the life of every person is a professional choice, on which his future will depend. What you first need to decide what you're interested in, then "try on" the image itself. To do this, we offer a game that will allow you to "see" your life after graduation, "build" your near and distant future and develop competence in the field of ecology. The game clearly demonstrates the causal relationship between the elections, decisions and their consequences, and, consequently, motivates participants to take a responsible attitude to the choice of life strategy, shows the possibility and necessity of building a long-term life perspective. The proposed game is an analogue of the game "the Road to the profession", developed by the Agency for strategic initiatives for vocational guidance of school students in the professions of the medical field and is also based on the "Atlas of new professions". The aim of the game is to promote the General awareness of students about the world of professions of the future. The game plot is associated with the participants living their future life, its various stages. The game takes place in two main stages, during which students are guided by their own inclinations, create their professional trajectory. The first stage includes one step, simulating secondary education. In the second stage, in two steps is modeled higher education, and in four steps career building. This game will tell you more about the professions of the future in the field of ecology. Depending on the personal readiness of the participants in the game can rise and discuss the most complex worldview. Especially pleased with the possibility of this game for participants to realize their values.en
dc.description.abstract-translatedVazhnym etapom v zhizni kazhdogo cheloveka yavlyayetsya professional'nyy vybor, ot kotorogo budet zaviset' yego budushcheye. Dlya chego snachala neobkhodimo opredelit'sya s tem, chto tebya interesuyet, zatem «primerit'» etot obraz na sebya. Dlya etogo my predlagayem igru, kotoraya pozvolit «uvidet'» svoyu zhizn' po okonchanii shkoly, «postroit'» svoye blizhaysheye i otdalennoye budushcheye i razvit' kompetentsii v oblasti ekologii. Igra naglyadno demonstriruyet prichinno-sledstvennyye svyazi mezhdu osushchestvlyayemymi vyborami, prinimayemymi resheniyami i ikh posledstviyami, a, sledovatel'no, motiviruyet uchastnikov na otvetstvennoye otnosheniye k vyboru zhiznennoy strategii, pokazyvayet vozmozhnost' i neobkhodimost' postroyeniya dolgosrochnoy zhiznennoy perspektivy. Predlagayemaya igra yavlyayetsya analogom igry «Doroga v professiyu», razrabotannoy spetsialistami agentstva strategicheskikh initsiativ v tselyakh proforiyentatsii uchashchikhsya shkol v professiyakh meditsinskoy sfery deyatel'nosti i takzhe baziruyetsya na «Atlase novykh professiy». Tsel'yu igry yavlyayetsya sodeystviye rasshireniyu obshchey osvedomlennosti uchashchikhsya o mire professiy budushchego. Igrovoy syuzhet svyazan s prozhivaniyem uchastnikami svoyey budushchey zhizni, razlichnykh yeye etapov. Igra prokhodit v dva osnovnykh etapa, v protsesse kotorykh uchashchiyesya oriyentiruyutsya na sobstvennyye sklonnosti, sozdayut svoyu professional'nuyu trayektoriyu. Pervyy etap vklyuchayet odin shag, modeliruyushchiy polucheniye srednego obrazovaniya. Na vtorom etape, v dva shaga modeliruyetsya polucheniye vysshego professional'nogo obrazovaniya, i v chetyre shaga postroyeniye kar'yery. Dannaya igra rasskazhet podrobneye o professiyakh budushchego v oblasti ekologii. V zavisimosti ot lichnostnoy gotovnosti uchastnikov v protsesse igry mogut podnimat'sya i obsuzhdat'sya samyye slozhnyye mirovozzrencheskiye pozitsii. Osobenno raduyut vozmozhnosti dannoy igry dlya osoznaniya uchastnikami svoikh
dc.format2 s.cs
dc.identifier.citationHONZÍKOVÁ, Jarmila, ed.,; SIMBARTL, Petr, ed. Olympiáda techniky Plzeň 2019: sborník abstraktů z mezinárodní studentské odborné konference: 21.5.–22.5. 2019 Moving Station Pilsen. 1. vyd. Plzeň: Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2019, s. 41-42. ISBN 978-80-261-0872-6.cs
dc.publisherZápadočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.rights© Západočeská univerzita v Plznics
dc.subjectprofese budoucnostics
dc.subject.translatedprofessions of the futureen
dc.titleSimulation game in career-oriented activitiesen
dc.title.alternativeIgrovoe modelirovanie v proforientacionnoj dejatel´nostijru
dc.typekonferenční příspěvekcs


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