Cardiac mathematical models for exercise testing on treadmill ergometer

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University of West Bohemia


Cardiac output (CO) is a key parameter in the assessment of cardiac function, and its measurement is fundamental to the diagnosis, treatment, and prognostic evaluation of all heart diseases. In this paper the linear and nonlinear models for noninvasive estimation of CO are presented. The estimation is based from short examination where parameters of subject were measured up to maximal load and from these parameters the CO and stroke volume (SV) were estimated for evaluation of cardiovascular performance of the subject. This approach was used for group of twenty marathon runners. Linear and nonlinear mathematical models and samples of measuring results are also presented.




ŠTORK, M.., NOVÁK, J., BROŽ, P. Cardiac mathematical models for exercise testing on treadmill ergometer. In: International Conference on Applied Electronics (AE 2019) : /proceedings/. Pilsen: University of West Bohemia, 2019. s. 161-164. ISBN 978-80-261-0813-9 , ISSN 1803-7232.