Číslo 1 (2011)

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    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Hrdličková, Pavla; Chánová, Pavlína; Trávníčková, Zuzana; Tůma, Petr
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    Moravská identita a její nové dimenze
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Iščuk, Roman
    The theme is crucial to the concrete question, whether moravian identity really exists. It´s about phenomena which is natural and important for some parts of population or on the other hand we can see this identity as the artificial problem. The main goal is connecting with results from the field work. I would like to explain something about moravian political elites according to the non-political activism. It´s also necessary to mark historical processes which are important for present time. The polemic should have done some reflexive view on regionalism, activation of moravian elites and civic movements.
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    Lidové divadlo a masopust
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Sudková Srncová, Miriam
    The text describes carnival rounds in Straz and Nevolice in the Lower Chodsko Region. The first part of the study is focused on description of czech middle-age carnival plays. The second part deals with the origins of the folk-theatre. The annual custom called Prahudky and related verbal, musical and dance rituals performed in the Chodsko Region are described in detail, and characteristic features of the folk-theatre and its difference from the classic theatre are explained. Prahudky is a restored local custom of celebrating an „inside out“ wedding, which is common for both villages. The girl dressed as a groom and the boy as a bride get married with the assistance of the priest, who is also the leader of the whole carnival round. Shrovetide and Prahudky represent an important part of social life of the inhabitants of  the Lower Chodsko Region.
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    Belgické německojazyčné společenství a další německojazyčné skupiny v Belgii
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Kokaisl, Petr; Kokaislová, Pavla
    The main aim of this paper is to show the specificity of the perception of own ethnicity of the German-speaking population living in the German-speaking Community in Belgium. Seeing that the German-population (or population speaking German dialect) live outside the autonomous region too, it is possible to make relatively efficient compared to the influence of government in shaping ethnicity and language. The territory of the German-speaking Community has today some 74 500 inhabitants. To the north is the densely populated Eupen county, to the South lies the rural, tourism-oriented Belgian Eifel. The territory comprises a total of 854 km2. The German-speaking Community is one of the smallest self-governed entities in Europe and has a large autonomy – the official, school and court language is German. This paper should give an answer to the question: What shapes the ethnicity of the German-speaking population? (Language, location, historical traditions, the common historical origin...) and What effect has the official status of the language used in its development and use?
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    Kdo je člen rodiny a kdo už "jen" příbuzný?
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Benešová, Romana; Barvíková, Jana
    This sociological study focuses on a family as a subjectively constructed social category. The main aim is to explore how people nowadays distinguish who is a member of their family and who is just a relative. Authors use a qualitative methodology analyzing five focus groups held in Czech Republic. On the grounds of the discussions authors define a typology of family layers based on the processes of including or excluding a person to the near family. The most important layer is a parent–child relationship, which is seen as the only absolutely automatic and indissoluble one. Also the factors influencing the decision to view someone as a family member or just as a relative are described. The basic factors are good relations which are positively influenced by an exchange of help and also frequent and high quality contacts. Contacts of adult sibs seem to be highly influenced by a presence of a “connecting member”, i.e. a parent from the oldest demographic generation. A death of this connecting parent is an important event in the family history.Overall, the discussions revealed that despite of a huge variability of family settings in the population there are some shared conceptions of what creates family and who should be a part of it. Therefore authors summarize that family as a social group does not lose its form even in today’s individualized and unstable society. It only allows individuals to create their own sense of family based on the shared family pattern and their own rationalized choice.
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    Konflikty a napětí na „periferii“: Gambella (jihozápadní Etiopie) v historické a antropologické perspektivě
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Záhořík, Jan
    In this study I will deal with conflicts between migrants and settlers in Southeastern region of Gambella which is one of the most conflict-ridden areas in the Horn of Africa due to long-lasting civil war in Southern Sudan and “ethnic” clashes in Ethiopia. Historically, Gambella belongs to the so called “periphery” which was until the end of the 19th century isolated from the rest of Ethiopia. It is inhabited mainly by Anywaa and Nuer whose territory was divided at the beginning of the 20th century between Ethiopia and Sudan. Recent migrations have shown a conflict pattern typical for contemporary Africa which is based on access to land, question of citizenship and marginalization of one group under supremacy of the other. The study is one of the results of my fieldwork in Ethiopia since 2006. In Gambella, we may find two types of conflicts, one which has old historical roots and corresponds to Highlanders vs. Lowlanders dichotomy, and very recent, which has taken place since the Nuer from Sudan began to migrate to Gambella due to civil war in Sudan.
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    Filosofický odkaz Luciena Lévy-Bruhla
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Kratochvíl, Miloš
    The main aims of the following paper are to sketch general features of Lévy-Bruhl´s attitude to philosophy and its history and to show influence of his thought to 20th century philosophy of science. Lévy-Bruhl´s effort in ethnology and social anthropology, rooted in his philosophical views on human spirit, is presented as an insrument or a method to establish new and scientific theory of knowledge. His work is not presented only as a chapter belonging to history of philosophy, but also to show its influence on some of the most important persons in philosophy of science, namely Piaget, Bachelard and Koyré.
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    Kulturně antropologické aspekty muzejního fenoménu
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Šobáňová, Petra
    The study discusses the specific cultural human act, which is the tendency to gather and, in the spite of the time action, save important and representative, but also seemingly silly tangible things, documenting the human acts and the development of their world. By the realization of this tendency, which the museology calls the musealization and which it observes as its contentual domain, here it is not only cultural but also culture-creational human behaviour.The study contains the explication of the basic muzeologist term and ways out so especially the characteristics of the muzealization process and it´s result in the form of museum as well. It focuses not just on the institution of the modern museum, but also on the larger museum phenomena and its culturally anthropological aspects, which they manifests in its historical but also entirely nowadays forms. Study in short also explains the historical development of the museum´s phenomena and the modern museum as its institutional form. It also touches the problems and the visions of the nowadays museum in the world of the new technologies and the digitalization, which transforms accustomed ways of the presentation of collections and the view on the traditional museum function.
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    Poutnictví, nebo turismus? Přehodnocení náboženských a sekulárních cest za nevšedností
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Kapusta, Jan
    The essay deals with the relationships among pilgrimage, travelling, ethnography, tourism and other forms of mobility. I argue that it is not useful to distinguish strictly between the categories of pilgrimage and tourism. Furthermore, I try to challenge the boundaries between religious and secular motion to attain more complex view of the matter. I utilize examples from San Giovanni Rotondo, Italy; San Marcos La Laguna, Guatemala; Mariazell, Austria; and the Viennese palace of Albertina to explore the multidimensionality of the subject and simultaneously to depict its similarities. The journeys to the extraordinary, unusual or exceptional experiences share some common aspects such as the power of metanarratives or the effect of psychosocial reinforcement. Here I focus on how the images and discourses are culturally constructed and used by pilgrims, tourists and travellers. Finally, I emphasize that the journeys provide psychic strengthening and social capital to the actors.
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    Demografická a sociální struktura obyvatel panství Choceň v polovině 17. století
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Kačerová, Eva
    One of the most valuable sources for Czech historical demography is the List of Serfs according to Faith of 1651. The List yields extensive data on serfs in several areas in Bohemia: on their age, profession, religion and marital status. Thank the List is possible to study a social structure of the population, their household composition or question of religion in Choceň region. As indicated in the title of this List, its creation coincided with recatholicization and its main objective was to capture the numbers of catholic and non catholic people in the period after the Thirty Years´ War in the Czech lands. More than 50% of inhabitants reported to non catholic religion, higher number of men in the age of fiftieth, dominance of nuclear type of family, which is characteristic for the Western area of the formation family.
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