Číslo 2 (2014)
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Item David W. PHILLIPSON, Foundations of an African Civilisation. Aksum and the Northern Horn, 1000 BC – AD 1300, Woodbridge: James Currey, 2012, ISBN 978-1-84701-088-9, 294 p.(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Záhořík, Jan; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleItem Wolf D. GRUNER, Der Wiener Kongress 1814/1815, Stuttgart: Reclam, 2014, ISBN 978-3-15019-252-8, 261 p.(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Šedivý, Miroslav; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleItem Michal STEHLÍK – Gerald M. SPRENGNAGEL (Eds.), Kreiského éra v Rakousku a období normalizace v ČSSR, Praha: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta, 2013, ISBN 978-80-7308-480-6, 245 p.(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Bulvasová, Alena; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleItem Parliamentary Democracy of the Republic of Bulgaria as an Important Factor of Community Development(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Burdiak, Vira; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe author of the paper analyzes the parliamentary democracy in the Republic of Bulgaria and considers it to be the important factor of community development. The parliamentary system of Bulgaria depicts the idea of rational parliamentarianism, when the constitutional system has judicial techniques to keep stability and power of the government when there is no parliamentary majority. The relationship between the government and parliament is revealed in their cooperation in carrying out the functions of each other and controlling each other’s work. The Bulgarian parliament controls the government’s activity by means of classical techniques of requests and inquiries.Item The Police, then Interior Review for the Forming of the Science of Law Enforcement; from its Beginning to the Change of the Political System(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Deák, József; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe Interior Review, as a professional-scientific forum, from its beginning to the change of the political system, facilitated the professional training of the employees of the Hungarian Ministry of Interior bodies, the tracing, professional processing, publication and perfection of the best domestic and international practices and experiences and thus the forming and development of the science of law enforcement. The Review and its professional-scientific activity played an important role in the forming and deepening of the interior activities subject to the modern rule of law.Item On the Situation of Workers of German and Hungarian Nationality in Czechoslovakia in the Period Immediate after World War II on the Background of Restrictive Legislative Measures (1945–1946)(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Tóth, Andrej; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe goal of the study is to summarize shortly the complicated situation of persons of German and Hungarian nationality in Czechoslovakia after World War II on the background of their legislatively set general work obligation. An overwhelming majority of Czechoslovak Germans and Hungarians lost their citizenship due to government measures, losing all their civil, property, social and national rights by it. The study summarizes the basic legislative measures of the Czechoslovak government from 1945 and 1946 concerning persons without citizenship, in this case members of the German and Hungarian minorities who were markedly restricted also in labour-law area. It outlines the issue of forced work obligation of such persons, paying attention particularly to the mass transfer of Hungarians from Slovakia to Bohemia in the capacity as farm workers. The source base of the study consists of legislative documents from the Collection of Acts and Decrees and selected documents from the General Archive of the Czech and Moravian Confederation Trade Unions. The restrictive measures in labour-law area had stronger impact on the Czechoslovak Hungarians whose destiny had not been decided in 1945 and 1946 yet, while most Germans concerned by the restrictive measures in labour-law area were gradually displaced in 1945 and particularly in 1946, so that the Germans had to deal with the burden of the labour-law restriction and forced labour according to the needs of the state only temporarily. In connection with the transfer of the Germans, Czechoslovakia had to deal with growing absence of labour in the labour market, trying to solve it also by acquiring labour from abroad, for example by unsuccessful recruitment of Italian workers.Item The Perspectives of the Archaeological Knowledge of the American Military Activities during World War II(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Rak, Michal; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe participation of the US Army in the liberation of Western Bohemia in spring 1945 has been a popular topic for historians and non-professional public as well. However, all the books and articles dealing with this theme are based on the written sources or the contemporaries’ testimony. The perspectives of the archaeological approach to this topic are quite marginal. This article represents few international projects, which have dealt with the activities of the Americans during World War II, and nears its possible application of the realization of this topic in our country.Item “We do not want Foreign Strongholds within Our National State” – the Romanian Educational Policy and the Historically Established Churches between the Two World Wars(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Sarnyai Csaba, Máté; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleWithin its territory, which had been extended by the peace treaties following WW1, Romania intended to create a nation-state that is also religiously uniform. Therefore, minorities in Transylvania meant a twofold problem, as they were both Hungarians and Roman Catholics. Just as Romanians had the denominational schools as fountainheads of national/ethnic awakening during Hungarian authority, now these schools served the safekeeping of the Hungarian national sentiment. This is why governments strived to suppress them as much as possible, even if they were obliged by international treaties to protect them. With regard to governmental actions and public attitude, four periods can be distinguished. In our paper, we aim at monitoring and evaluating the process in an analytic manner.Item The World of American Communism: Ups and Downs 1918–1945(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Geaney, Kathleen; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe presented article offers a brief overview of the history of the American communist movement and, consequently, the Communist Party of the United States (CPUSA) between ca 1918 and 1945. If focuses on questions connected to the membership base and racial and ethnic issues. Furthermore, it analyses the link between the CPUSA and the communist headquarters in Moscow. The analysis terminates with the year 1945 as post-world history of the CPUSA represents a different story that is beyond the scope of this text.Item Great Britain, the Dominions and the Paris Peace Conference(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Valkoun, Jaroslav; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe First World War represented the biggest challenge and a test of cohesion for the individual parts of the Empire. Newly, the dominions were to reach full recognition as autonomous nations of the imperial community. Participation of the Dominions at the Paris Peace Conference and the issues discussed there influenced the status of the Dominions not only to their mother country, but also to the wider world. All the Dominions, except for Newfoundland, found themselves among members of the new international organisation – the League of Nations. In addition, Dominion delegates also signed the Treaty of Versailles, which the overseas leaders considered a formal recognition of their formal independence on the part of the British. However, in contrast to the expectations of the Dominion representatives, a symbolic recognition of their new status did not take place and, therefore, the world continued to regard them as an integral part of the British Empire, i.e. that the British still represented them in many aspects on the outside. The course of the conference, however, did confirm that it was not possible to view the Dominions as “ordinary” colonies or dependent territories anymore. The First World War strengthened the general trend heading towards a broader understanding of autonomy and to a more intense cooperation within the Empire.Item Russian Expansion, Self-reflection, and its Absence from Russian Policy – from Sarajevo to the Princes’ Islands (1914–1919)(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Gecse, Géza; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleRussian expansionism in Europe during World War I – despite the temporary victories - by the end of 1916 concluded to an occasional and by the spring of 1918 a decisive defeat. Tsar Nicholas II was the first who was willing to take steps towards peace that led to the fiasco of Tsarism which was the most influential cause of the Russian Revolution and foundation of the Russian Republic by the end of February in 1917. The new Russian Provisional government had been emphasizing the goal of the final victory continuously, which led to the victory of the anti-expansionist Bolshevik movement. Lenin’s followers had signed the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany, Austro- Hungary, the Ottoman Empire and Bulgaria at the spring of 1918, but after the defeat of the Central Powers in the autumn of 1918 the Bolshevik government declared it null and void in all respects. The Allied Powers originally counted on the participation of Russia at the peace talks in Versailles, but by January 1918 they changed their mind. At the same time they had made steps to bring about a joint Russian position, so they invited all the Russian political movements and parties to Princes Islands nearby Constantinople. Nevertheless, the Russians were not able to form a common standpoint, partly because they were conflicting amongst themselves, on the one hand, and partly because their expansionist programs were contradictional to each other and were not based on a real strong and functioning military power.Item La France et l’occupation anglaise d’Égypte, 1882–1888(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Šubertová, Marcela; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleWhen France rejected to join the Great Britain in military intervention in Egypt in 1882, the British decided to put down the policy of dual control in Egypt. This decision influenced the mutual relations of both countries for more than twenty years. The aim of this article was to analyse the attitude of France towards the British presence in Egypt. This article deals with development of the mutual British-French relations from 1882 to 1888 with regards to their interests in Egypt.Item Die Stellung des Hafens Triest und die Bedeutung des Österreichischen Lloyd für den Transport aus der Habsburgermonarchie nach Übersee(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Skřivan, Aleš Sr.; Skřivan, Aleš Jr.; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThis study deals with the question of the importance of the port Triest for the foreign trade and overseas transport of Habsburg monarchy. It is further analyzed the development and the role of the greatest Austrian steam navigation company, the Austrian Lloyd, and his position among the most important shipping companies before the World War I.Item Alfred Russel Wallace, William Rathbone Greg and the Origin of Social Darwinism(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Budil, Ivo; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe contribution of Alfred Russel Wallace and William Rathbone Greg to the debate on the possibility of application of the law of natural selection to human society and the subsequent emergence of social Darwinism with dramatic consequences in the political life of the West has been largely neglected by historians of science despite the interest of both scholars in the practical political utility of the theory of Charles Darwin.Item Thomas Paine or the Defender of the World Revolution(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Borodáčová, Jana; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThomas Paine was a typical professional revolutionist. He actively participated in both the American and the French Revolutions and his contributions were mainly in literary activities. By his most important works, the Common Sense and the Rights of Man, Paine significantly influenced public opinion on both continents. In both works he defended the Republican Establishment and denounced the Hereditary Monarchy. He believed, like many of his contemporaries, that neither the American Revolution nor the French Revolution were the last. Paine hoped for a series of revolutions that would destroy the European Monarchies in favour of establishing a Republican System across the whole of Europe. According to Paine only a Republican form of government could ensure a universal peace and understanding between the nations. An ideal constitutional Republican System represented for Paine just a period of so-called Girondin Convention. On the contrary, the Jacobin terror destroyed all Paine’s ideals and any hope of a universal revolution. Despite the fact that Thomas Paine was imprisoned during the revolutionary terror he remained a loyal Republican and these views he advocated until his death.Item England and the Promotion of Trade in 16th and 17th Centuries(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2014) Kadlecová, Markéta; Novotný, Lukáš; Clemens, GabrieleThe trade in the early modern England represented a crucial element of the state economy and the Crown had to make a particular effort to support it. Therefore, the main point of the article is to describe several ways which the English state used to promote the trade in the era of Tudor and Stuart monarchs. Also, the significance of trade in general is discussed as well as its impact on economy of the state. Key points in the international relations are pointed out and so is the activity of the Crown in the encouragement of navigation and colonial activity. Also, the role of trade companies, the trade laws which were imposed, and the growing importance of the Navy are highlighted. Therefore, the article concludes all the fundamental moments of the 16th and 17th centuries which impacted further development of the English trade.