Číslo 1 (2010)

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    Několik námětů pro samostatnou práci žáků II
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Thomas, Jan
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    I mistr tesař se utne
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Rojko, Milan
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    Pokusy z elektrostatiky v heuristické výuce fyziky II.
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Rojko, Milan
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    Celostátní kolo fyzikální olympiády v kategorii A
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Randa, Miroslav
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    Základy vztlakové síly v pokusech
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Piskač, Václav
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    Fyzika tří tisíciletí
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Novotný, Jan
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    Fyzika od Thaléta k Newtonovi: Kraus, I., Fyzika od Thaléta k Newtonovi. Kapitoly z dějin fyziky, edice Galileo, sv. 10, Academia, Praha 2007, 329 stran.
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Kutálková, Eva
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    Počítačová podpora výuky elektroniky
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Kratochvíl, Petr
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    Pracovní setkání popularizátorů vědy
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Kéhar, Ota
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    Jsou fyzikální zákony jednoduché a přesné?
    (Katedra matematiky, fyziky a technické výchovy Fakulty pedagogické Západočeské univerzity v Plzni, 2012) Eckertová, Ludmila
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    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Tošner, Michal; Tůma, Petr
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    Právo a spravodlivosť v spore o chomutovské exekúcie
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Gajdoš, Adam
    At the beginning of year 2009, the mununicipality of the north-bohemian town of Chomutov announced the introduction of distrainment of social benefits as a method of disciplining its notorious debtors. The framing of the policy was ambivalent from the very start: "the debtors" as a group were on one hand blamed for not paying their rents in municipal flats, at the same time, however, they were portrayed as in fact much more than defaultors – as unadaptable violators of the "decent people’s order". The launching of the policy in February 2009 triggered a heated and widely medialized debate on the legal aspects of the practice, whereby two conflicting discourses of legitimity met in confrontation. This article attempts a critical discoursive analysis of the discourse of "unadaptables" (represented by the mayor of Chomutov, Ivana Řápková) and, in complement, of the discourse of "constitutional rights" (represented by the Ministry of Minorities and Human Righst, Michael Kocáb, and Ombudsman, Otakar Motejl). The analytical focus is on radio and newspaper interviews with these three prominent figures within the timespan of the first three months of the controversy. Employing categorization analysis, analysis of positioning and select lexical and rhetorical aspects, the first part offers a detailed description of Řápková’s majority discourse. In the second part, a complementary analysis of the discourse of her critics follows. Finally, a synthesis of the findings aims for a comparative perspective of the controversy. It attempts to show how different framing strategies (local issue with individual characteristics vs. general social issue with collective dimensions) cause the opposing sides to effectively fail to meet in a constructive dialogue on possible solutions of the problem.
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    Jak se dělá rasová válka? Kritická diskursivní analýza neonacistických textů
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Šamánek, Jan
    This article is a critical discourse analysis of set of texts published by one of leading Czech neo-nazi internet servers. The author embracing the standpoint of radical democracy shows discoursive sequentiality of analyzed texts and development of the neo-nazi discourse according to events that took place before, during, between and after three major neo-nazi demonstrations in Janov and Přerov, Czech Republic in years 2008 and 2009. It is shown that the discourse uses the occurrence of local inhabitants of Janov and Přerov on demonstrations for construction of reality of a starting racial war and for legitimization of demonstrators’ violence against Roma inhabitants and police. The racist ideological basis of the discourse is also shown. The article explains how both successes and failures of all demonstrations are used as motivating discoursive tools for mobilization and propagation for following events and how does the discourse react to them.
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    Nástin mediálního diskursu o Janově: Kriticko-diskursivní přístup
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Vašát, Petr
    This paper focus on a media presentation of events related to the situation that is generally called as social tension in Janov. The tool of this aim is a specific qualitative research method - critical discourse analysis. The method allows combine classical textual and intertextual analysis. There are identified two ideological practices in the Janov media discourse: (1) construction of Gypsy ethnic category, (2) construction of socially excluded locality. These ideological practices are supported by specific textual features and their concrete discursive expressions, both outlined in the analysis.
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    Janov: městská část Litvínova. Komu se tu hodí vyloučená lokalita?
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Benešová, Barbora
    This article is not about any new observation in this locality, but more about the systemization and processing the data already discovered. The main part is based on a survey performed in autumn 2009. The survey comprised of an observation and interviews with officials as well as with local citizens. The main goal of this thesis is to point out the problems of Janov which are intentionally placed aside or just not published. Last but not least, the article is also a reflection of the projects presented up to now and intended for excluded localities, same localities as Janov became in year 2006.
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    Materiální past: Geneze sociálního napětí v lokalitě Litvínov - Janov ve vztahu k privatizaci bytového fondu
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Tošner, Michal; Poláková, Zuzana; Indrová, Nikola; Židlická, Klára
    This article is based on the anthropological fiel-dwork research in the Litvínov–Janov neighborhood (located in northwest of the Czech Republic), which was conducted bythe students of the Department of Anthropological and Historical Sciences (University of West Bohemia). In theoreticalperspective of multi–sited ethnography this article interpretsthe situation of the "ethnic conflict" among non–Gypsy and Gypsy inhabitants of the neighborhood in 2008. Thisapproach highlights the multi–local genesis of the social si-tuation and conflict in relation to the economical and politicaltransition in the field of housing policy and realty ownership,together with processes of gentrification and segregation inthe Czech Republic. Our anthropological research avoidsethnical definitions of situation and discourses of socialexclusion. Instead it focuses on economic, political and socialgenesis in concrete details. The main conclusion is, that this situation is primarily socially and economically determined and ex post ethnically interpreted by the extreme nationalistic movements and consequently accepted as such by inhabitants of Litvínov and by a significant number of ethnic Czechs – not surprisingly in agreement with essencialistic picture of the Gypsies.
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    Průmysl sociálního vyloučení: Lokalita Janov
    (AntropoWeb, 2010) Tošner, Michal; Poláková, Zuzana; Indrová, Nikola; Novák, Matěj; Rumpík, Viktor; Židlická, Klára
    The article argues that we should study social exclusion not only in one particular locality, but rather through a multi-sited approach, which would take into account the various sites of the directing system (in governmental and non-governmental organization) and the labor market in one field of research, as these sites are integral parts of the complex situation of social exclusion. The article thus focuses on both the economical and social aspects of services in social policy and on their impact on everyday lives of the people in the locality. It further discusses the governmental organizations themselves, their practices, concepts and outcomes as well as the NGOs and their practices and concepts. The article concludes with the finding that the situation of ‘social exclusion’ increases the employment opportunities in the social services for the middle-class actors (in both branches: governmental and non-governmental sphere), however, these are ineffective in their attempts to include the ‘socially excluded’. Furthermore, the occurrence of socially and economically disadvantaged actors is abused in practices of the illegal jobs by employers in the area, and entails loss of taxes and public finances. This consequently constitutes a complex mechanism of sustainable inequality, which we called the industry of social exclusion.
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