Číslo 3 (2011)

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    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Světlík, Radek; Tůma, Petr
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    Konstruování „životního příběhu“ jako adekvátní nástroj vědeckého nahlížení
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Fritzová, Marie
    In my contribution I will focus on the analysis of three narrative interviews made in Palestine during my field research there in 2009-2011. People in the area of Bethlehem live their lives in a complicated political and economic environment. Their lives are influenced both by internal and external factors. The basic question I want to answer in my contribution is, whether it is possible to use a biography of an individual as a representative of the whole group of people researched. What needs to be kept in mind by the researcher, if they want to make use of this theoretical approach? What benefits can they expect from it? Is biography as such an adequate scientific tool at all?In the introduction of the article I discuss the narrative interview as a methodological tool, which is often employed to collect biographical data, and which I often use in my research. This tool, however, is not the only one to be employed by the researcher. The narrative interview should always be supplemented by other data collection methods, so as to have a possibility to distinguish the narrative fiction of the interviewee and his or her “reality”. It is also important to recognize the interpretation of the interviewee`s life events which help him / her to create a meaningful life story.The second part of the article focuses on a concrete paradigmatic example. In it, I look for a common aspect in the three biographies. Using this aspect as a basis, I explore the whole researched group.
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    Jean-Claude Kaufmann – Chápající rozhovor. 2010. SLON
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Fritzová, Marie
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    Kolektivní vědomí a identita volyňských Čechů pramenící z česko-ukrajinských vztahů v orálně-historickém výzkumu
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Jirka, Luděk
    Changeability of czech-ukrainian relationships in multiethnic Volhynia is different envisaged from specialized literature and from respondent's narration. Czechs were comming into this area from 1868 and in spite of tsarist benefits (like nonpayment of taxis, not enter the army forces, buying farm land for cheap value) created poor inhabitants and they have to begged from Ukrainians. Agricultural knowledges and workability improved economic position of Czechs and means creation wealthier walk of life to the prejudice of Ukrainian in short temporal period. In spite of that, it didn´t provocate conflicts. Moreover, tsarist goverment prevented to rising economical position of Ukrainians, eg. by prefering collective economical development and inhibiting bussines enterprising. Social structure was etabled as disadvantage for Ukrainians and advantage for Czechs. Furthermore, Czechs inhabitants brought higher culture. Consciousness of higher social position can be seen in narration in oral history research. Respondents borned in 1918-1927 on the west Volhynia saw their life in system of social superiority (economicaly, culturaly) and these feelings are also aplicated in their history. USSR fanned nationalist movements after arrival to the West Volhynia in 1939. Activity of ukrainian nationalist atomized czech-ukrainian relationships. In spite of setting nationalist policy to USSSR regime by specialized literature, respondents mentioned it to the Nazi regime. Differences between specialized literature and oral history research is explainable, feelings and experiences from czech-ukrainian relationships in Volhynia are showing, how was created collective consciousness and identity of respondents.
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    „Náš národ Slovenský jest naposledy nepřestanné pilnosti a pracování oddaný.“ Teoretické koncepcie výskumu historických stereotypov aplikované pri analýze stereotypu pracovitosti Slovákov v 19. storočí
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Molda, Rastislav
    The article offers the theoretical concepts and methodological guidelines for research on  historical stereotypes of the major European theorists from the various social science disciplines. For us, an important theoretical and methodological interpretation of  ethnic and other stereotypes was formulated by Professor Hans Hening Hahn, as well as other Central European researchers. We use the presented theoretical and methodological guidelines to analyse the stereotype of Slovakian diligence. The primary sources of the textual analysis are ethnographic travelogues and diverse literature of Slovak origin, which are  rich sources for scientific interpretation of stereotypes. Writers resorted to an idealization and generalization of character, physical appearance and other characteristics of the population of Ungarn and the Habsburg monarchy, and so there were constructed ethnic/national, cultural, confessional, gender, as well as other auto/heterostereotypes. We deal with the stereotype of Slovak diligence, with specific attention to the situation in which they were formulated, we point out their tasks and the reciprocal interaction with other auto- and heterostereotypes.
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    Etický komplex, morálne emócie a normy v partnerstve
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Grauzlerová, Táňa
    This project is focused on exploring the relationship between the set of dominant ethical norms in a given society and moral emotions which emerge as an effect of breaking these norms. The domain which I focus on are norms from the area of partnership. In this paper, I use the theory of ethical complex of anthropologist Richard Shweder and the theoretical model of social intuition of psychologist Jonathan Haidt. The main purpose of the fieldwork is the examination of the social intution model, which stresses the role of social persuasion in making moral judgements. In this connection, I want to explore which ethical complex is prevalent in a given society, and which partnership norms are referred to. I try to show the „behaviour“ of the model in empirical examples, and explore particular factors that affect it. Research methods are participant observation, informal interviews, semi- and formal interviews (in the form of model situations), and also notation of nonverbal emotional communication. In this paper, I focus on presenting empirical data relating to ethical complex.
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    Test kresby rodiny ako indikátor rodinnej ideológie
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Sirkovská, Monika
    Author in the contribution devote to research of authority and subordination in the family from the perspective of visual anthropology. Everyday family life is controlled by a set of culturally specific values and norms that determine the appropriate family ideology. Research of the family dynamics can provide the basic image of the various forms of relationships. Author realized research of power manifestations in the mountain village at the north of Slovakia which is characterized by frequent occurrence of the patriarchal family. The authority in the patriarchal family ideology is attributed to older men belonging to the paternal lineage; it is typically associated with patrilineality, patrilocality and focusing on ancestors. The question is how can we explore the subjective perception of authority in the case of children. It seems to be very helpful to apply the special projective technique – the family drawing test. Aim of this contribution is to show not only interface between theoretical concepts and practical collection of empirical data in the field, but also the interpretation of specific children's drawings. End-of-conference, author would like to highlight that anthropologist has to detect the specific socio-cultural environment of studied families, because its knowledge plays the key role in the complex interpretation of visual material.
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    Aspekty sociální reality v období červencové monarchie ve Francii (sociohistorická analýza reprezentací společnosti v diskursech intelektuálních elit)
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Sitek, Pavel; Bryšová, Monika; Hronová, Tereza
    This research into the issue of the July Monarchy (1830-1848) discusses the discourse of the intellectual elites using an almost unknown method – sociohistory. As the primary reliable source we have used a novel written by Eugène Sue, The Mysteries of Paris. Its credibility has been supported by the studies of the correspondence between the author and his readers by French historian Judith Lyon-Caen. This text continues her work, as well as presenting our own results. The text is divided into three parts: a description of sociohistory, the historical context and the social aspects of the first half of the 19th century.
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    Nezemědělská povaha životního způsobu spišských Romů: stereotypy a realita
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Pelikán, Vojtěch
    Opposition to he majority’s agricultural way of life could be – according to some anthropologists (e.g. M. Stewart) – the most fitting interpretative frame for gypsy identity. My contribution tries to find out whether this perspective is appropriate for the context of gypsy settlements in Slovakia. The study is based on field research. It concentrates first on the issue of major stereotypes, where the term “gypsy” represents the most complex image of stranger. Gypsies are considered that way mainly because of the missing connection to land and soil. In the settlements, the study looks for the roots of the relative absence of agricultural patterns. It describes aspects contradicting the major way of life and it tries to show differences between traditionally settled Roma and traveling ones. The text concludes with a discussion about three areas that might have a connection with agriculture: the strategy of solving everyday problems, the relationship to conservation and the dynamic of consumption.
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    Jom ha-Šo'a...počátky jednoho svátku
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Tarant, Zbyněk
    If one looks at the calendar, one will find there 'International Holocaust Rememberance Day' on 27th of January. This day was set by the UN General Assembly in 2005 and it refers to the anniversary of Auschwitz liberation. However, if one looks at the Israeli calendar, or any of the Jewish Luakh haShannah's, one will find there another day of mourning that is actually far older. The Yom HaShoah was set according to the Hebrew calendar and refers not to the liberation of Auschwitz, but to the Warsaw ghetto uprising. Today, this day of mourning is an interesting relict of the pioneer, upbuilding era that preferred the stories of heroes to those of victims. This article attempts to map the very beginning of the Yom HaShoah commemoration, by using Hebrew sources that were never published before in the Czech language. The story of Yom HaShoah in the context of the young state of Israel in the 1950s is an interesting case-study on the issue of how the contemporary political and public discourse affects the collective memory of  future generations.
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    Etnografie (extrémní) chudoby: Teoretické a empirické implikace výzkumu bezdomovců
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Hejnal, Ondřej
    This article aims to propose new possibilities of the anthropological study of homeless people. The secondary objective is to investigate both the empirical and theoretical levels of these possibilities. Drawing from my own fieldwork of “street people”, I suggest four possible ways to look at future research topics: (a) urban adaptation (the traditional and problematic one); (b) urban geography of reciprocity; (c) “squat” becoming a place and (d) linguistic anthropology analysis. Finally, I will discuss the relationship of theory, empirical material and the validity of ethnographic research.
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    Anthropology as an inspiration to food studies: building theory and practice
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Siewicz, Agnieszka
    The aim of this paper is to show the role of anthropological inquiry in the development of a new, interdisciplinary approach to food in culture - namely: food studies. Early anthropologists, for example, Bronislaw Malinowski and Edward Evans-Pritchard, stressed the social meaning of food while analyzing the outcome of their fieldwork. When the functional approach had been replaced by structuralism, the symbolic meaning of food was given priority. Therefore, Claude Lévi-Strauss constructed his famous culinary triangle to show the connection between culture and nature in human thought; however, the triangle was not based on his own fieldwork, but rather many examples from other works were used to support this theoretical approach. This paper shows that without the theoretical and practical contribution of these three anthropologists, the flourishing of food studies as a new discipline would have been seriously delayed.
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    Mayský šamanismus v teorii a v praxi: pojem šaman mezi bytím a nebytím
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Kapusta, Jan
    This article examines how the general theory of shamanism fits with the specific shamanic practice in contemporary Mayan culture. In this context of the relationship between the universal and the particular, the question of the nature of the phenomenon arises: is shamanism a useful anthropological category or a vacant, ambiguous notion to abandon? The essay begins with a look at the great – the Eliadean and neuropsychological – theories, suggesting that these approaches ontologize and reduce  reality. Then, exploring the way by which anthropologists have tried to describe and define the Maya shaman, it is argued that no dichotomization can capture the totality of the neuropsychological, social and cultural significance of this practitioner. Nevertheless, it is maintained that dichotomization can be a good analytic tool if it is used only as a tool for understanding and thinking. Identifying shamanism in Mesoamerica, it is concluded that the term may be used cross-culturally; however,  avoidance of ontologization is necassary because of the heterogeneity and multidimensionality of the phenomenon.
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    Komparativní dimenze antropologie práva
    (AntropoWeb, 2011) Ledvinka, Tomáš
    This article examines three comparative dimensions which need to be examined by anthropology of law with due prudence: the dimension of jurisprudence and anthropology, the dimension of legal systems and their structure, and the dimension of justice. These dimensions are confronted with recent diversion from comparison within anthropology and the validity of critiques of the comparison is demonstrated with respect to the development of the anthropology of law.
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