Číslo 2-3 (2008)

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    E. W. Said. 2008. Orientalismus: západní koncepce Orientu
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Tošner, Michal
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    Evaluační výzkum
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Kovář, Jakub
    The article takes to task the well-established claim that academic anthropology should be free from traps of evaluation. Although, on the other hand, in applied anthropology we could see the strong accent on the evaluational research, as a new option for anthropologist. In this article are discussed the trends in evaluation research by means of their strategies, compared with academic research and with certain emphasis on theory-driven perspective introduced by Huey-tsyh Chen. In addition to theoretical reflections on evaluation research, provides the article particular examples based on research conducted in the domain of social programs. The interdependence between methodology and theory of evaluation research is also mentioned.
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    Stručné uvedení do policy analysis v kontextu sociální antropologie
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Kavlír, Aleš
    The aim of this text is to briefly introduce practically oriented discipline called policy analysis, and to do so in the perspective of (applied) social anthropology.After the introductory definition of terms, which are crucial within the area of public policy, such as policy, policy studies, policy evaluation and policy analysis, I continue with the definition of the very policy analysis of which the explanation of its types and gradual steps towards reaching it are the necessary parts. Another part of the study summarizes the interrelation, interconnection and the enrichment of both disciplines – the policy analysis and the social and cultural anthropology. Several roles in which an anthropologist can assert himself/herself are presented in conclusion.
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    Kritická diskursivní analýza: Sociální konstruktivismus v praxi
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Vašát, Petr
    This paper focus on the specific qualitative research method called Critical discourse analysis (henceforth CDA). Because there are still so many confusions and stigmation tendencies regarding CDA in the Czech Republic, the author offers a useful introduction to Discourse analysis generally and consequently to CDA particularly. It is exposed Norman Fairclough` s three-dimensional model, e.g. discourse as a text, discourse as a discursive practise and discourse as a social practise and particular phases of his method – Description, Interpretation and Explanation. Further, it is shown one of possibilities how could some analysis carry out. It is concluded by pointing out that CDA is the important part of wider social constructionist paradigm.
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    Základny archivního výzkumu
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Šimek, Jan
    The article is an introduction to the topic of the archival science which is concentrated on practical use of archive. First part contains definitions of basic terms of archive and archival documents and informs about the system of archives in Czech Republic. Next part concentrates on inner organization of archives, records of archival documents and archive tools for researchers. The text finishes with a practical manual how to do research in archives and a commented list of basic literature.
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    Postmoderní a kritická antropologie
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Tošner, Michal
    This article focuses on the emergence of postmodern and critical anthropology in the late twentieth century approaches which strongly affected main epistemological assumptions. Here attention is paid to dismissal of ahistoric structuralism, essentialism and universalist positivism and to the move towards much more historical awareness concerned with conditions of production of anthropological knowledge. Critical re-readings of anthropological body of knowledge done by postmodern and critical anthropologists (e. g. Clifford, Rabinow, Marcus) reflect political, discursive and rhetorical aspects of anthropological representations. The main insights of French poststructuralist (Foucault, Derrida, Bourdieu) were adopted and led to discoursive and dialogical paradigm inside this movement. Advancement of critical reflections has resulted into many contemporary approaches in the field of social constructivism, politics of identity, globalisation and transnationalism.
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    Rodina, manželství a příbuzenství u cikánských skupin v ČR a v zahraničí
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Budilová, Lenka
    The article deals with the topic of family, marriage and kinship in “Roma/Gypsy” groups in Europe and North America and offers an overall overview of the scholarly literature on this topic.The basic themes, theoretical concepts and perspectives in anthropological and sociological literature on “Roma/Gypsy” kinship, marriage and family are discussed in the text. The distinction is made between the Czech and Slovak academic writings (with the focus on individual sholars and topics developed in their texts) and the foreign literature (here the overview is mostly confined to works and texts published in English). The aim of the text is to provide to students the basic facts and summary of the texts published in this field and the most important topics (domestic units, character of kinship, marriage alliances, endogamy, brideprice, etc.) that have been discussed in the last several decades. Special attention is paid to the modern approaches discussing kinship and family in their connection to the concepts of locality, identity, ethnicity and gender.
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    Germáni: Dějiny a zrod rasové teorie
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Ambrožová, Linda
    The main aim of this paper was to catch the most important events of one thousand years lasting time period of German history and to provide a  summary of German evolution since the end of the wandering of nations for a purpose of understanding the circumstances under which the German racist ideology was established. On the bases of the selected sources could be assumed that the expansion of polygenetism, next the progressive secularization of Western thought and the progress of natural sciences played the significant role. It was a Darwin’s theory as well that contributed significantly to enforcement of racist concept based on biological features. The German racist ideology originated on the bases of those sources: so called ideology of “two races” that was retrieved during the French revolution; fascination by India and Indo-European concept (that connected together Aryans and Germans in eighteen century); German nationalism and Romanism and the ideology about superiority of Germans. Also the work of Arthur Gobineau played the important role for transformation of the philological-historical concept of Aryan race into the ideology of Aryans as the members of biological superior race.
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    Bibliografický přehled překladové (odborné) ciganologické literatury vydané v ČR a SR po roce 1989
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Jakoubek, Marek
    The overview is organized in four sections: 1) translated monographs; 2) translated essays (i.e. articles published in journals and texts published in anthologies); 3) chapters in translated books; 4) original, not yet published texts, translated to Czech. Wherever the data was accessible, the information about the translator and the original bibliographical information are attached. In case of  monographs, the information about the published Czech and Slovak reviews is supplemented. At the outset of each section, the statistical overview of the items involved regarding the total number and languages from which the translations were made is offered. All items are structured chronologically.
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    Nástin společných aspektů afrického tradičního léčitelství Bantuské oblasti
    (AntropoWeb, 2008) Mildnerová, Kateřina
    African healing tradition is holistic by nature, involving an essential unity between the spiritual, psycho-somatic and social dimension of health. All these dimensions constitute an inseparable part of the total therapeutic system. The traditional conception of health and illness in Africa is connected to a wider framework of religion and social reality. Illness is thus not seen as a mere disruption of physical and psychological integrity of an individual, but as an affliction caused by the intervention of different invisible powers such as spirits, demons, ghosts and witches that are believed to penetrate the whole of life. Diagnostic, therapeutic and prophylactic activity of the traditional healers – ngangas (how they are called in many Bantu languages) as well as prophets of African independent churches, namely those of Pentecostal and charismatic type, are based on a common culturally shared aetiology such as natural diseases, spirit possession and witchcraft. Indigenous African healing was historically shaped by process of colonialism during which the traditional medicine was rather persecuted, on the contrary the epoch of post-colonialism brought its revalorization, its recognition by most of the African national government. The traditional medicine of many African states today is thus represented as a  constitutive part of national cultural heritage.