Číslo 3 (2010)
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Item Filosofické aspekty al-Chvárizmího Aritmetického a Algebraického traktátu(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Benediktová Větrovcová, MarieAl-Khwarizmi’s books Al-Kitab al-mukhtasar fi hisab al-jabr wa-l-muqabal (The Book of Aljabr and Almuqabala) and Al-Kitab al-jam wa-t-tafriq bi-hisab al-Hind (a source for Dixit Algorizmi) form the origin of the mathematics of calculations, i.e. arithmetic and algebra. The first Czech translation of these books with the commentary by Petr Vopěnka was published in 2008. The 2nd edition (2009), involves the three new additional texts. The purpose of this contribution is an introduction to these source books with stressing out origins of Arabic mathematics of calculations and the border lines between the Indian and Greek mathematics. The paper deals with also some philosophical and methodical aspects of them.Item Příběh rodu Homo: Nové dějiny evoluce člověka(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Vacíková, JanaItem Pozitivizmus jako společenský jev(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Šimek, ZdeněkThis entry entraps 1) crucial moments of existence of philosophy and science in the recent society; 2) problems of contraposition of philosophy and science in the contemporary western society; 3) problems of consolidation of results of science and philosophy as results of comprehensive knowledge of humanity. Philosophy of positivism does not entirely philosophical (or historical) trend, but primarily theoretical and methodological base. Important are views and doctrines too, in the western society consider by way of views and doctrines of science. Along is constantly mention about postmodern philosophy and mention about overcoming of the classical positivism.Item Kauzální nexus jako gramatické pravidlo(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Schuster, RadekThe main thesis of the paper is the claim that causality can be secured as a general law, which is not fixed a priori or a posteriori, by conceiving of an infinity which is possible only by means of language. Wittgenstein’s thoughts on causality as an empirical generalization in language and a set of rules of grammar are presented as arguments supporting the thesis.Item Real Utopia – Participatory Society for The 21st Century(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Semerát, PavelItem Rozhovor s profesorem Petrem Vopěnkou(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Chvojka, Ondřej; Vopěnka, PetrProf. RNDr. Petr Vopěnka, DrSc., je světově významným českým matematikem a filosofem, který především obohatil svět vědy o svou alternativní teorii množin a originální úvahy v oblasti filosofie vědy a matematiky. V letech 1990–1992 působil jako ministr školství a v roce 1998 mu bylo prezidentem Václavem Havlem uděleno státní vyznamenání – Medaile za zásluhy II. stupně. Na Západočeské univerzitě v Plzni nyní vede práce několika doktorandů a Seminář historie a filosofie matematiky.Item Elementární báze poznání: protokolární věty(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Polák, MichalThe paper deals with protocol sentences as a basis for elementary knowledge of our world. There is a striking difference between two approaches to the protocol sentences: from Carnap’s point of view, protocol sentences are non-revisable basic sentences, so they must be accepted as a convention without possibility of falsification. While from Neurath’s point of view, protocol sentences are not basis of our knowledge for they are still open to revisions. This paper tries to articulate only selected aspects of these differences and is not intended to offer complex view to the problem of protocol sentences.Item Elektrotechnika a její knižní reflexe od konce 18. století do vzniku Československé republiky(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Mikeš, JanTeaching of electrical engineering in various types of schools has become one of the most important part of the second phase of the industrial revolution. It has become a manifestation of a separate technical field – electrical engineering, which will significantly penetrate into secondary and higher education system in the Czech lands in the last third of the nineteenth century. However, independence was preceded by a period of teaching 80 years before, in particular, the partial electrical phenomena in the physics curriculum. The contours can be recognized like the development of electrical engineering at the background study of physics textbooks, the curriculum and school reform, but also contemporary newspapers, encyclopedias, dictionaries, and professional journals, or even within the broader context of fiction. For accepting the world’s knowledge in emerging fields of engineering in the Czech lands, it is very important insight into the creation of an environment. Since the 17th century, education and training of students in this field took place in this environment.Item Psychologie v epistemologii Jeana Piageta a Gastona Bachelarda(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kratochvíl, MilošThe main aims of the following paper are to compare the role of psychology in Bachelard ´s epistemology with that in Piaget´s genetic epistemology. It will be shown that using psychology as a method suitable for epistemology is a prolongation of Brunschvicg´s epistemology. But it is not only method what links both Piaget and Bachelard with Brunschvicg. There are also important similarities concerning the basic ideas, such as the idea of progress, role of consciousness, changeability of human mind and partly also that of epistemlogical rupture. The legacy of Brunschvicg is not only passed down, but also and mainly developped by Piaget and Bachelard.Item Blesk a hrom v mílétském myšlení(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kočandrle, RadimThe question about the origin of lightning and thunder is a scientific one, during the rise of science as well as nowadays. The beginning of science is usually connected with Ionian philosophy, namely with Anaximander of Miletus. It was his writing where the first description of these atmospheric phenomena appeared. The doxography maintains, that according to him lightning and thunder originate, when wind is enclosed in a cloud and bursts out. Then the tearing of the cloud produces the thunder and the dilatation causes the flash of lightning. There are however two predominant explications of this description of the origin of lightning. According to the first one, the lightning is only epiphenomenon of the cleaving the clouds or of the rupture in the clouds, which disclose the fire inside. But we can understand the wind which bursts out like a fire as well, because Anaximander described the heavenly bodies as rings of fire enclosed by the air. If Anaximander made a close parallel between the lightning and the fire of the heavenly bodies, like in expression πρηστῆρος αὐλός, the lightning can be comprehended in the terms of a fiery wind.Item Vztah historického a fikčního narativu: příspěvek k metodologii vědy(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Kastnerová, MartinaThe study deals with the relation between fictional and historical (eventually, factual) narrative. Two main views are presented: the first one which disputes crucial differences between historical and fictional narrative, and the second one which accepts ”open boundaries” between fiction and history but claim the crucial (macrostructural) differences. The study shows that views mentioned above do not bring much different interpretative conclusions and that they are the important inspiration for a methodology of science.Item Za horizont euklidovského geometrického názoru(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Chvojka, OndřejIn the article we have mentioned questions, which are connected with the notion of “parallel straight lines” and with Euclid’s postulate about them. These problems arise in ancient geometrical world, which contains only those objects, which are placed in front of geometer’s horizon. Vopěnka’s Alternative set theory (or namely its application to the geometrical world, introduced in Calculus infinitesimalis pars prima1) is suitable for modeling of this ancient geometrical approach. There the properties “to be finite” or “to be finitely far” are mathematically exactly defined. Many attempts to solve the problem of parallel straight lines had been failing since Euclid until Gauss. This history is briefly mentioned in the second section. The solution of the problem of parallel straight lines came with Riemann’s lecture Über die Hypothesen, welche der Geometrie zu Grunde liegen, where the context, showing the existence of non-Euclidean geometry in an obvious way, was introduced. This context consists in the notion of the multiply extended manifoldness, which contains not only the Euclidean but also the curved one. And the curved one is similarly obvious like the geometry on the sphere. Finally, thanks to Vopěnka’s conception of “horizon”, in the last section here is also shown, which relation may have the Riemann’s curved space and the classical euclidean one.Item Dějepisectví mezi vědou a vyprávěním: Úvahy o povaze, postupech a mezích historické vědy(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Havelková, MichaelaItem Reflexe ženského světa v díle Albíny Dratvové na pozadí druhé světové války(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Havelková, MichaelaThe study is focused on the personality of the significant woman of Czech science: the philosopher Albína Dratvová (1891– 1969). She became famous not only as the author of the reputable philosophical propedeutics but also due to her publications influenced by the psychology. The main question of the study is the focal point of her work – women. In many of her publications Dratvová analyses the female nature, attitudes to world and compares it with the masculine perspective. It is possible to follow this topic in the sizable number of archival material. Her activity in this area of scientific research culminates during the World War II. In this context the study is focused on the point of patriotism. It is interesting that the surroundings often saw her as a feminist, but Dratvová strictly refused such labelling. After all it is possible to find the parallels in her views with the ideas of the woman’s movement.Item Otto Neurath: vznik metody Isotype(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Hanzelínová, LadaA source for founding of ISOTYPE (International System of Typographic Education) we found in twenties in the 20th century, when Otto Neurath came out with Vienna method of picture statistics. There were many conditions influencing formation of this method which could be divided in three areas: politic and social beliefs, family and education. His politic and social believes could be a reason for focusing on wold wide understanding and comprehension. Through his type of marxism Otto Neurath struggle for achievement of main, social goal – better standard of living and better life mood. This was achieved by community and education activity of the Museum of Economy and Society, which Otto Neurath was in 1925 founder and manager. ISOTYPE was basic communication technique. Because statistical data were hard understandable for workers and Neurath considered them to main power of decision making, he strove for creating of easy, visual way. Otto Neurath’s father opened world for his son and enabled him to learn distinction between information and art illustration and museums. Hieroglyphs guidance and desire for understanding without words are the basis of method ISOTYPE.Item Teorie vyprávění v kontextu Pražské školy(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Fürbachová, EvaItem Filosofické pozadí Grassmannovy Ausdehnungslehre(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Fiala, JiříHermann Grassmann a příčiny odmítavého postoje ke Grassmannově matematice. Soustředíme se na úvodní části Grassmannovy Ausdehnungslehre a zaměříme se na filosofické pozadí. Dále představíme Grassmannovo pojetí čisté matematiky, geometrie a nauky o prostoru, nauku o extenzitách a obecnou nauku o formách. Neopomineme ani pojetí spojitosti.Item Scientia est potentia: Renesanční věda ve službách španělského impéria(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Černá, JanaThe central theme of this study is the question of the relationship of knowledge and power in Renaissance Spain. The text concentrates on the analysis of association between knowledge of the New World and the political and economic interests of the Spanish Empire in the period of 1492-1598. The main goal is to characterize the specific forms of the Spanish scientific activity (the first scientific expedition of dr. Hernández, the first chair of cosmography in Seville and the questionnaires from ”Indias”) together with the specific features of this knowledge (empiricism, utilitarism, cooperation etc.)Item Procitnutí do živé země(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Brabec, JanItem Dějiny výzkumu slangu a argotu u nás(Západočeská univerzita v Plzni, 2010) Sládek Antalovská, KateřinaThe text shows in chronological order the development of opinions on the content and the extent of terms in slang and argot in Czech sociolinguistics. One of the main problems which Czech sociolinguistics has not resolved yet is the acceptation of a linking term for slang and argot. The author in her text introduces several suggestions that come from Czech sociolinguists on how to deal with such a problematic area. The most discussed expression is definitely social dialect. The latest suggestion is the expression sociolect which was named by J. Hubáček at the last conference in Pilsen in 2008 devoted to slang and argot. Whether this expression is accepted and used by the sociolinguistic public will be clear only in the course of time. Amongst others, though less discussed topics could also be the re-evaluation of the definition of argot. The two suggestions how to deal with the problem are introduced by A. Jaklová in her acrticle ”Is argot going to be newly defined?” This text also discusses the options which might be used by the Czech linguist to give a new definition of argot and newly charaterize the groups of speakers.