Číslo 2 (2012)

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    Současné tetování z hlediska „rituálního“ jednání
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Kajanová, Alena; Jersáková, Klára; Růžička, Michal
    Tattooing is one of the most widely spread forms of body modification in contemporary Czech society. The goal of this article is to inquire into contemporary practices of tattooing with regard to their “ritual” functions. Our research question was whether ritual functions attached to tattooing still remain, or whether they have already been entirely substituted by purely aesthetic functions. We were further interested in the motivations leading to the decision of getting a tattoo and their relation to certain time periods, such as crises. Is obtaining a tattoo a response to a crisis, or rather to the fact that it has been overcome? Our sample consists of sixteen respondents wearing at least two tattoos. The respondent’s narrations are supplemented by the perspectives of professional tattoo artists. Our data analysis suggests that among both the tattooed and tattoo artists, tattoo art is perceived rather in its aesthetic and individualizing functions than in its social-ritual function. For the tattooed themselves, tattooing carries deep meanings attached to the process of their (social) individualization. They perceive the very process of tattooing, accompanied by considerable pain, as a form of individualized rite of passage. For some of the tattooed, the new tattoo concludes a previous period of life, while opening a new one, into which they emerge as new beings.
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    Afričané, Romové a další „cizinci“ v české mediální realitě
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Zalabáková, Jitka
    This study brings a quantitative and qualitative analysis focused on the representation of immigrants and their “cultures” in Czech mass media. It reveals that there is a misleading and deep-rooted image of Africa as a culturally homogenous whole. Together with “the East”, Africa is associated with “traditional” culture. Mass media texts about “foreigners” sometimes automatically present Czech Roma as foreigners as well. “Culture” is sometimes used to explain criminality, and a special, “narrow” conception of culture prevails in a type of articles concerning chiefly multicultural festivals. In the mass media reality we can thus find an intriguing world of “the others” with their (mostly) very traditional and (often) exotic cultures – a world independent of the “reality”.
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    Narodenie dvojičiek, požehnanie či utrpenie? Historicko-demografická analýza krstných matrík vybraných rímskokatolíckych a evanjelických a.v. farností na Slovensku
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Golian, Ján
    The study deals with births of twins as recorded in church registers of selected rural parishes in the course of the 18th and 19th centuries. It represents a certain microprobe into the records of church registers of the baptized population in Slovakia. It describes regional and denomination differences as regards the attitude to this not very common type of birth. The selected parishes include Lúčky, now part of Kremnica (Žiar nad Hronom district), Lukáčovce (Nitra district) and Rabča (Námestovo district) on the Catholic side, and Turičky, at present part of the Cinobaňa village (Poltár district), on the Evangelic side. The study investigates the number of twin births as compared to the total population numbers of the idividual parishes, the seasonal character of twin births and the irregularity of the occurrence of twin births. It examines the ratio of newborn boys and girls in twin and single births. The study is accompanied by examples of the choice of godparents for twins. Attention is further paid to the popularity of the first names chosen for twins in individual families, with respect to families with repeated births of twins. The work also looks into phenomena such as conditions under which twins were born illegitimate, or the death rate of twins before baptism and within three years of their lives. The study is a contribution to the reasearch of specific features of family life in the 18th and 19th centuries in Slovakia.
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    Palestinští křesťané – problém dlouhotrvajícího exodu z místa zrodu křesťanství
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Fritzová, Marie
    The phenomenon of emigration of Palestinian Christians is, without doubt, linked with the very complicated political-economic situation in Palestine, especially in the West Bank. However, are there any other circumstances and reasons for such a massive exodus from the West Bank? What was the demographic development of this group of religions in the second half of the twentieth century like? These are the main questions dealt with in this article. The first part of the article describes the demographic development of Palestinian Christians, together with analyses of the situation regarding the absence of relevant resources. It also explains how the results in this study were reached. The second part focuses on the issue of emigration of Palestinian Christians, with the emphasis on the situation in the West Bank. It compares the findings of two official research studies of reasons for the emigration of Palestinian Christians which appeared in 2006 and 2008, and analyses the main emigration reasons. The current situation in the area, including the issue of accumulative extremism and the second intifada, which made the relationship between Christians and Muslims more complicated, is also addressed. The article contains a part of the author’s own interviews with Palestinian Christians from the Bethlehem area made during the author’s field research in Palestine in autumn 2009. The statements obtained in this way have their own logic and are instrumental in better understanding of the circumstances with which Palestinian Christians are confronted. In the conclusion, the author briefly assesses the main reasons for the emigration of Palestinian Christians.
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    Aplikace nedestruktivních archeologických metod na Katedře archeologie v Plzni
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Baierl, Petr; Čapek, Ladislav; Hložek, Josef; Menšík, Petr
    Non-destructive archaeological approaches and methods have become an inseparable part of archaeological monument survey. They are also frequently used at the Department of Archaeology in Plzen. Here, over the past years, they have been applied in a number of cases. These include non-destructive documentation works on barrow burial and hill top sites, or the Middle Age and Modern settlements in forested areas Other significant activities have been carried out by means of geophysical surveys or aerial photography and remote sensing of Earth.
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    Nacionalismus, multikulturalismus, sociální vyloučení a „sociálně nepřizpůsobiví“: Analýza dominantního politického diskursu v České republice (2006–2011)
    (AntropoWeb, 2012) Hejnal, Ondřej
    This study is concerned with dominant political discourse in the Czech Republic. This discourse is structured by the circulation of theories/discourses of multiculturalism, nationalism and social exclusion (or “social non-adaptability”). The political parties analyzed are the ODS, ČSSD, KDU-ČSL, KSČM, SZ, TOP 09, VV, Severočeši.cz, and DSSS. The author constructs equations (in the manner of G. Baumann) of particular party discourses based on a qualitative analysis of the parties’ election programmes, stenographic records of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and Dělnické listy (the main journal of the DSSS). The aims of this study are: (1) a brief introduction to the relevant theories/discourses (i.e. parts of dominant discourse), (2) a description of the social constructions of “the Others” (by means of equations) from the point of view of Czech political parties, (3) intercomparison of these constructions, and (4) a construction of the overall equation of the dominant discourse.
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