Číslo 1 (2009)

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    Jakoubek, M. 2008. Cikáni a etnicita. Praha: Triton
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Vašát, Petr
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    Kdo jsou dnešní Austrálci? Pojetí ženství, rodiny a spirituality
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Kulhánková, Jana
    The following study discusses contemporary urban Aboriginal culture. It addresses principles of women’s Indigenous Family Care centre in Australia, where the author volunteered, and maintained an ethnographic research. This organisation, Kummara, is based on family care, strengthening of women’s business, and reconnecting Aboriginal women to their cultural role. In fact, the Aboriginal women practicing family care and women’s spirituality in Kummara contribute to revitalisation of traditional Indigenous culture. This occurs mainly in education of children and young people (implementing rites of passage and parental programs), and in reconnecting to the traditional role of women in family, community and in spiritual life. In the Aboriginal context of health, the women in Kummara engage in a process of cultural, spiritual and emotional healing. They have adapted their ways of doing this to modern society and have been influenced by different Western and other cultural concepts while still trying to preserve elements of their ‘traditional’ past. By drawing from different cultural notions and contemporary cultural concepts, the process of revitalising leads to by o  means interesting modern notion of Aboriginal culture.
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    "Městské legendy" na pomezí oborů: antropologický, folkloristický nebo sociologický diskurs?
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Janeček, Petr
    Theoretical approach to contemporary oral narratives such as „urban legends“, rumour or gossip has been always afflicted by artifical gaps between various academical fields, most notably between social sciences (social anthropology, sociology) and humanities (folkloristics, literary science). Presented article briefly sumarizes some of the most interesting main theories - but also defficiences - of contemporary folklore studies in fields of folkloristics, literary theory, social antropology and sociology, and calls for multidisciplinary analysis of this phenomenon.
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    Vzdělání jako klíčová oblast integrace Romů v České republice
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Urban, David; Kajanová, Alena
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    Sociální konstruktivismus ve zkoumání vědy a jejích dějin
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Špelda, Daniel
    The article deals with investigation of science and its history in relation to social constructivism. Firstly, we are focused on social constructivism that has been drawn on laboratory studies. Further, the article introduces some aspects of constructivist historiography of science. There is pointed out that two different images of history of science are available for us – positivism (including a popular literature) and constructivism, and both of them offer its own explanation of history of science.
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    Narcismus: Teorie, výzkumy a možnosti jeho měření
    (AntropoWeb, 2009) Bartoš, František
    The article focuses on psychological and sociological theories of narcissism. We draw on traditional authors like Freud, Kohut, Kernberg, Fromm and Horney, but we also focus on contemporary psychologists like J. Beck and Rhodewalt. Our main intention is to show narcissism not only as a psychological disorder, but primarily as a social phenomenon. Therefore, we mention authors of sociological theories of narcissism, such as Lash, Sennett, Lipovetsky and Giddens. Our text is also oriented to measuring narcissism as a cultural phenomenon. We analyse scores, results, limits and hypothesis of existing tests trying to summarize the most important findings in empirical research of social consequences of narcissism.
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